Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Hypocrisy, Stephen A. Smith and Tiger Woods

What hypocrisy exactly is the sports shock jock Stephen A. Smith relative to the Tiger Woods adulterous spectacle ranting about that the American people will not put up with or forgive?

Is it the hypocrisy of a U.S. Constitution that reads and codifies that Black People are "Three Fifths Persons" and to date, despite the Civil War, despite the Fourteenth Amendment, U.S. Presidency of a Black Barack Obama, still reads unchanged, unrevised that Black People are "Three Fifths Persons"?

Is it the hypocrisy of multi-national corporations having moral-clauses in endorsement and sponsorship contracts when the behavior and general practices of the multi-national entities if not specifically misanthropic is generally a crude vulgar exploitation of ends and means?

Is it the hypocrisy of a Stephen A. Smith's pronouncement on the Tiger Woods spectacle at the expense of the salient point that the nations pastime is hypocrisy.  A hypocrisy fueled by the opportunity of an infinitude of motives, which in the Tiger Woods case is money, money, money.  But then again isn't Value and it's money medium the facilitator of the Human Condition?

By Apropos

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Nidal Malik Hasan, The NRA and the Pro Gun, Concealed

English: Major Nidal Malik Hasan, Fort Hood sh...
English: Major Nidal Malik Hasan, Fort Hood shooter (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
Nidal Malik Hasan and his  Fort Hood shooting rampage has left shreds one of the more appetizing favorables for the NRA (National Rifle Association) Pro Gun lobby, which was simply, mass killings and shootings are less likely to occur if people are armed, particularly with concealed weapons.

Just as the pro Capital Punishment deterrent argument has per virture of the homicide and murder continuum been exposed as a mere irrelevant veneer.

Nidal Malik Hasan's rampage, killing thirteen and wounding thirty-one in a location, a U.S. Military base where in principle and deed favored the NRA, Pro Gun, concealed weapons argument 
has so simplistically and casually exposed it as romantic fancy.

By Apropos

Monday, December 21, 2009

Corporate Media, Accountability and Hubris

Who takes Corporate Media to task on it's shortcomings?  Who denigrates and sanctimoniously castigates Corporate Media?

Who holds Corporate Media accountable when it is revealed as it happened during the lead up to the Iraq War that Corporate Media was shamelessly in bed with the Bush Administration.  Actively being a fifth column for a world view that is as decadent, flawed as the self-centeredness of hubris.

By Apropos

Friday, December 18, 2009

John McCain and His CNN Enabled Bizarre Parallel Presidency After his Loss Of The Actual Presidency

I nominate Rep. Joe Sestak (D) of Pennsylvania as a counter voice to the megalomaniac ravings, obscenely spewed by the Napoleonic complex affected John McCain.

John McCain is not a valid and progressive voice on military matters.  He wasn't even able to keep his hide out of  the clutches of the technologically inferior North Vietnamese.  His constant yammering condescending opinions on tactical gambits of the Obama Administration's military strategies is a selfish nuisance that is devoid of and as a matter of fact, a forfeiture of whatever margins it claims.

John McCain is a  mediocre intellect and his inability to excell without exploiting his Prisoner of War experience reinforces it.  He was a failure at Annapolis.  He erred gravely and was sanctioned by his Senate colleagues in a matter of influence peddling.  He failed at his Presidential runs.  He recklessly solicited and picked an unstable illiterate to be the President of the United States in case John McCain had won the Presidency and was subsequently incapacitated.

Notwithstanding all the above.  Corporate media and CNN enables his mediocrity by providing him with the platform to run a bizarre parallel Presidency after his loss of the legitimate actual Presidency.

By Apropos

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tiger Woods, Adultery, Jaded Cynicism and the Right and Wrong Side of History Critique

Tiger Woods and his adultery reminds us that there is this revisionary apathy and condescending nonchalance within the public at large towards adultery and infidelity committed by Politicians and Pop Celebrities.

Naturally there are the jaded fringes of the public domain who for whatever reason have lost their historical moorings.  But jaded cynicism and it's wormlike virulence aside isn't reason enough for empirical revision of why the Human Condition proscribes adultery, infidelity, disloyalty and all those wormlike imperatives that mock the historicity of the right and wrong side of history critique.

To those jaded cynics who claim subjective tendencies and that anything goes Liberal-Impetuousness of behavior:  Let us remind them that the utility of loyalty and fidelity is the very lattice of the Human Condition and it's history.

By Apropos

Sunday, December 13, 2009 and The Value of Gold as Infantile Panic Revision says the government "can't print more Gold" and in one swoop, plugs it's product which is Gold while taking a reactionary swipe at the Obama Administrations  economic impetus. neglects to advise that while liquidity is of print functionality, the value of Gold is relative and dependent on the very same forces acting on liquidity.  The value of Gold presumed as an oppositionary factor on liquidity is mere infantile panic revision that has nothing to do with the realistic access of value.

By Apropos

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Benjamin Franklin and Credit Default Swaps

Using Benjamin Franklin's 18th century monetary critique which occurred in a mercantilist, Credit Default Swaps less environment as a practical and aspirational basis for contemporary Political-Economic realities, is not only insidious but it is juvenile delinquent reckless.

By Apropos

Monday, December 7, 2009

"Common Sense", Republican-Conservatism, The 9-11 Five and What is War

During the 18th century, Thomas Paine in his work "Common Sense" dared the 13 Colonies to resist the British Monarchy.  This isn't opportunistic hyperbole, but when a sizable amount of modern America, legatees of Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" are led as Lemmings Over Cliffs of  reason by the likes of Rudy Giuliani and a Republican-Conservatism cabal of criticism.  Under pronouncements that were a Trial of Terror-Suspects now held at the Guantanamo Bay Detention pens held at Federal Criminals Courts it would in essence be cataclysmic for the nation.  The question has to be defiantly stated.  What exactly is becoming of "Common Sense".

This cabal of criticism in opposition to the Obama Administration intent of trying the 9-11 Five at Federal Criminals Courts postures a couple of points purportedly as well reasoned arguments against the trials,
  • The 9-11 Act was one of War and as such Civilian-Criminal Court is the wrong venue.
The clear response to this primary argument is simply this: If 9-11 was an Act of War, then it's Actors cannot and should no more be tried than the actors and orchestrator's of the Iraq War, Battle for Fallujah and if 9-11 was an Act of War, then the World Trade Center was a valid, legitimate, military target, one which America's enemies targeted.  And enemy soldiers or "enemy Combatants" are not held accountable for Acts of War unless there is clear genocidal specificity as historic war accountability.
  • The secondary and corollarial argument that a Civil-Criminal Court venue presents the 9-11 Five a forum to propagate their views.
This point of view is also ludicrous.  The world views held by the 9-11 Five are equal to the world views of the Ku Klux Klan and other supremacist groups who are allowed and tacitly enabled by Republican-Conservatism to propagate their ravings unfettered.

Thomas Paine's "Common Sense" was a shock to the 18th century body politic, a positive shock because it put in stark contrast the relevant emotional resource.

At it's contemporary expense.  Rudy Giuliani, those misguided 9-11 victim families and Republican-Conservatism opportunity have some how as Lemmings Going Over Cliffs lost their Darwinian motive and in a panic stricken flail substituted emotional irrelevancies as "Common Sense" simply for political opportunity and war mongering.

By Apropos

Sunday, November 29, 2009

South Carolina and The Intellectual-Liberalism of Conservatism

Why are voices from backwards, reactionary and even insidiously anti-progress states as South Carolina even allowed to comment and engage in discussion on national Political-Economy?  When the intelligentsia of states as South Carolina cannot even stabilize and grow their Political-Economies?

What exactly has South Carolina and it's Intelligentsia contributed towards a perfection of the Union and a maximal realization of the National-Political-Economy besides the opportunity of tearing it asunder?

It behooves the imagination, that after eons of Human-Political-Economic contradictions, South Carolina intelligentsia still reacts. At the expense of progress with the Intellectual-Liberalism of Conservatism.

By Apropos

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Time Magazine's Joel Stein and the Capitalist Farce

Those who Time Magazine's Joel Stein idealistically sneers at "as least capable of doing math" in his 11/16/09; essay on Marijuana, are the ones whose statistical existence enable the Capitalist farce.

By Apropos

Sunday, November 22, 2009

The Prison Condition, Anal Cavity Searches and Terrorism

The following is an interesting statement, written by a Prisoner.  It deals with the Prison Condition.  It deals with the cavalier nature Prison officials approach the antagonistic intrusion of Anal Cavity Searches and it shows conflicting presumptions when contrasted with security concerns of the general public and Terrorism.
"Lieutenant T. I spoke to you about the Prison's Anal Cavity Search Policy and you stated certain things as facts.  You described a scenario where a Prisoner being escorted to the showers quickly pulls a regular sized lotion bottle filled with feces out of their rectum and douses the escort guards with feces and that is the primary reason for the Anal Cavity Search Policy.  The reality is Prison officials have long since explained away the antagonistic intrusion of a Prisoner's body as it concerns Anal Cavity Searches, that Prisoners as a group place objects inside their rectums.  I wonder how much of this is excessive supposition.  I find it more plausible for a guard to blame his or hers inattentiveness during a search on a Prisoner sticking something in their rectum after something happens.  Because this begs this question are Prisoners anatomy any different than any other Human?  Does the mere fact of a conviction and subsequent imprisonment instantly transform a Prisoners anatomy to the point that a prisoners body now begins to defy all natural laws?  This is a valid point.  I wonder who and how many Prison officials have inserted bottles and objects inside their rectums and anal cavities to then become authorities, speaking with certainty on the ease and opportunity of objects going in and out the rectums.  Because anything less than empirical knowledge of this, particularly, when the question is dealing with the antagonistic intrusion of a prisoners body is assumption.  And assumptions alone are not enough to base such violations so casually.
I raise another point.  I understand governments interest in maintaining a safe and secure Prison environment, just as government has an interest in maintaining a safe and secure society.  Since the terrorist acts of 9/11.  The Federal Govt. has enacted a number of laws, policies and practices to dissuade Mass Destructive acts. One of the primary targets has been Airports.  Policies and practices that mandate and warrant airline passengers to remove shoes, submit to a hand frisk, pat down, walk through metal detectors, hand held wands have been enacted.  But and I find this peculiar, no security personnel or legislator is proposing and advocating the practice of Anal Cavity Searches of all Airline passengers.  The U.S. Govt. has all the reasons to pursue all security measures that will ensure the safety of the Homeland, yet Anal Cavity Searches isn't one.  The mass general public and people out there in society have an infinite array of objects that can be concealed in their anal cavities and rectums which can be relative Weapons of Mass Destruction.  If it is to be accepted that Prisoners so casually secrete bottles in their anal cavities."
 The above was written by a Prisoner who has asked Apropos to secure his identity.

By Apropos

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Sarah Palin "Real America", Criminality, Prison Jobs and it's Human Condition

There is this Ironic hypocricy that Sarah Palin's "Real America", Small Town and Rural America with it's Guns, Religion and Family ethos.  Is tacitly supporting criminality because not only does it clamor for Prison jobs but accepts the Prison-industrial antagonism as a viable job creator and the basis for the realization of it's human condition.

By Apropos

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Newsweek The Magazine, Mark Sanford, The Governor of South Carolina on Ayn Rand and Republican-Conservatism and it's Intellectual-Liberalism

Is this tongue in cheek and somewhere in the drapered offices of Newsweek The Magazine, cynical laughter rings? Because having Mark Sanford, the Governor of South Carolina, a Republican, Adulterous-Hypocrite use infantile idealism and it's schizoid hypocrisy of an Ayn Rand and her irrelevant mediocrity as juxtaposed commentary on his real life moral turpitude and malfeasance has to be a tedious joke that teeters on a sort of Intellectual-Liberalism that hints at sophomoric impetuosity. One of those calculations that utterly fails at delivering whatever redemption it's impetus might have hinted at.

Mark Sanford the pathetic wrench and Governor of South Carolina has made this pitiful attempt at classic allegory with his "Atlas Hugged" essay in the 11/2/09; Newsweek Magazine. A Play on the title of that other pitiful classic allegory "Atlas Shrugged" by the ridiculous Ayn Rand (an author who laughably introduced the notion of captains of industry doing on strike! To the human socialization thesis, as if the Capitalist antagonism and it's exploitive medium has any grasp of equity).

Under the guise of advancing analysis of Governmental spending under the anti-deficit opportunistic critique. Mark Sanford labors ridiculously to solicit the sympathetic ear of his Republican-Conservative contemporaries who naively also share his orgasmic awakening to the romantic Fancy's of Ayn Rand and her pent up resentment at Soviet-Marxist practice. As he faces and contends with the consequences of his adulterous idiocy with his Argentinian Lolita. An exhibition of such stupendous error in judgement which his impotent critique of Ayn Rand's world view as lacking in "grace, love, faith and any form of social compact does nothing to mitigate and is only a transparent and feeble plea for understanding.

Mark Sanford's essay does affirm one supposition which is Republican-Conservatism thought and it's practice is a psychosis and insane calculus which the simple "man isn't perfect" mantra littered through out the essay is as demented as Mark Sanford, the Governor of South Carolina flying off to Argentina, thousands of miles away from sworn, duty, honor, loyalty responsibilities to the people of South Carolina and the Fidelity Vow he gave his Wife when they married.

In response to Mark Sanford, Republican-Conservatism and it's Intellectual-Liberalism: Government cannot be at odds with the people isn't it, "By the People"? And empirically Mans Liberty is always relative.

By Apropos

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Michael Jackson, "This Is It", The New York Republican Rep. Pete King and Transnational Conglomerates

Michael Jackson "This Is It", a docureality, behind the scenes homage to what it means to capitalize and exploit opportunity has on 10/27/09; debut to rave and rare reviews from friends and foes alike.

Even that New York Republican Rep. Pete King who pompously and in true Republican fashion, found criticism, where none was relevant, over television coverage of Michael Jackson's death, may have hummed a tune or two of Michael Jackson's "they don't really care about us"---which is what Republicans are good at and quintessentially do, not caring about people.

Nonetheless the sensory experience of Michael Jackson in rehearsal in "This Is it', has transcended Republican hypocrisy and is the first wave of what is a deluge of exploitation from the crass and crude schemes of his father Joe Jackson to the veneered gambits of transnational conglomerates. Michael Jackson and his eternal artistry is a generating means of capital par excellence which even Republican misanthropy genuflects to.

By Apropos

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tyler Perry, The Black American Experience and the Spike Lee Contradiction

I Haven't been a critic of Tyler Perry's works which because of it's one-dimensional ethos seems simplistic and unclutteredly moralistic. Yet to deny, denounce and reproach Tyler Perry and his works is to deny denounce and reproach that basis, facet and organic-condition of the Black American Experience that has produced it.

There is this tension within Black American Intelligentsia. Which in it's simplistic form can be narrowed to perception and utility.

  • Perception--Specifically, the euro-centric critique of the Black Communities generalities, the prejudices of the greater society.
  • Utility--The continuing Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Dubois debate.
When Spike Lee, the Movie Director, criticizes Tyler Perry for buffoonery and minstrel revision, one has to wonder what exactly is Spike Lee's point or angst at. The themes and characters of Tyler Perry's works exist, they are real ---Is Spike Lee wishing that side of the Back American Experience be kept hidden because it causes the Spike Lee bias and faction of the Black American Experience squeamish embarrassment because that sort of caricaturization is susceptible to euro-centric denigration and it lacks the stereo-typical nihilism of Spike Lee's own works and ethos.
Tyler Perry's works are not Amos and Andy minstrels or "Gone With The Wind" affections and it's myriad examples that litter the American cultural land-scape from Michael Jackson to Oprah Winfrey. So what exactly is Spike Lee's criticism based on?
Simply creating or depicting a character as Spike Lee does who knows how to flip "The Man" off does nothing to address the schizophrenic nature and alienative imperative of the Black American Experienced realities. As a matter of fact it is mere therapeutic indulgences. it instead affirms the basic contradictions and antagonisms of American society which Spike Lee and the strident impotence of his works purports to outline in graphic detail. Nonetheless save for the entertaining value does nothing to resolve.
By Apropos
Make your comments, lets get back to thinking.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Missouri,Catfish, Noodling and Anti-Establishment Folklore

What about Missouri Catfish that gnaws at the ham fist of a certain type of Man and Woman. To want to just thrust hands in muddy waters, grabbing at the sinewy, slippery, wiggling Catfish beast---and with a feeling of accomplishment that is rooted in the slimy primordial swamp of that fist human hand slicing through brackish waters, hoists out of the muddy Missouri waters the 52lb---100lb behemoths that have wiggled their way into the colloquial lexicon as Noodling, unlike the proverbial "one that got away" fish tales!
Noodling is Illegal in 31 states. Including it's Capital the Great State Of Missouri with it's "Show Me" provencialism. Still it thrives. Just as anti-establishment folklore, it is the existential measure a tangent of cultural narrative that defines in stark relief the nuanced irrelevance of status quo prohibition as an idealistic medium of exerting control over a certain strata of it's society.
By Apropos

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Mediocrity, The Human Condition, Creative Audacity, The Venetian Money Dynamic and the Hubris of Ignorance

Mediocrity in the Human Condition collects and accumulates cash money, liquidity of the Political-Economy medium. The objectivity and excellence of the Human Condition on the other hand realizes creative audacity as quintessential satisfaction for itself.

The above is a reality that has to be repeated a la' Nietzsche's "philosophizing with a hammer". The contextual determination which in some instances rises beyond the simple thesis of contradiction and into the realm of obfuscative antagonisms is and has been the bane of the Human Condition and will keep on distorting the Political-Economic mediums of the Human Condition.

The petty tyrannical minds who due to no subjective fault are helplessly mediocre in their realizations can and should be permitted to realize their holistic redemption in the satisfaction of accumulating cash, money. But it should not come at the expense of the creative audacity of minds achieving the objective excellence of the Human Condition. Which due to the antagonisms of the Venetian Money Dynamic and in spite of common sense and reason is shackling enlightenment and the efficiency of the objectivity of progress.

The Political-Economy of the Human Condition should not be persuaded by the theology of revision, idealistic morality, the hubris of ignorance and it's sanctimoniousness and the organic tendencies of humanness.

By Apropos

Monday, October 19, 2009

Sarah Palin, "Going Rogue" and Salmon Swimming Up Stream

Sarah Palin squared center stage in American Politics when she uttered her historical difference between a soccer mom and a Pitbull in Lipstick line. Much snickers later, many Tina Fey moments later. We are now subjected not to
a historically momentous memoir, but the historicity of. Going Rogue: An American Life

John McCain's impetuosity and the addled brains of our Alaskan compatriots should really be called into account for foisting the Sarah Palin Salmon, whose contribution to the Human Condition is the regurgitated analogy of swimming upstream.

By Apropos

Friday, October 16, 2009

"The View" Kate Gosselin and Soiled Diapers

Okay we get it, "The View" is ? Well ! But Kate Gosselin a guest Co-Host twice during the 9/13/09; week ? And her contribution to the Human Condition is Birthing Octuplets and exploiting them on a Reality show then criticizing the iconic California Octomom?

I understand a significant amount of American brains are enthralled and enamored with whatever it means to voyeuristically wonder at the activities of a woman and her brood. But should the practical fact and reasonableness of the public domain and square be subjected to the pronouncements of an intellect developed on soiled diapers of a brood of eight children? Which is what Kate Gosselin on "The View" has to offer.

By Apropos

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Travesties of Justice, The Todd Willingham Execution of 2/17/04; and the State of Texas

The American Justice landscape on the federal and state levels is replete with travesties of justices, prosecutorial misconducts, evidence falsified, fabricated and suborned juries.

The Todd Willingham incident by the State of Texas where it allegedly seems that the State of Texas has executed an innocent Man is a recent chapter.

What is perplexing about this incident is the current Governor of Texas is interfering with the fact finding process and it only leaves reasonable minded people with one conclusion: The State of Texas has something terrible to hide and conceal over the Todd Willingham execution of 2/17/04.

By Apropos

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Political-Economy, The Evangelical-Christian Indulgence and Reaction is all Republican-Conservatism has to Offer

Ideology in Political-Economy is the recognition that there has to be ideas based on structuring efficient means towards recreating Man's needs and wants of the Human Condition. The idealism of Political-Economic ideology is simply the pursuit of expecting Man to exhibit behavior that is conducive and facilitative of realizing what enables the Human Condition, specifically and in the general sense.

Republican-Conservatism and it's Evangelical-Christian indulgence, distorts and nihilistically negates the ideology in Political-Economy application and the speculation of it's ideal. Because ideology can never come out of reaction and that is all Republican-Conservatism has to offer.

By Apropos

Friday, October 9, 2009

Affirmative Action, Discrimination and Status Quo Denial Inclination

Affirmative Action and it's debate speaks of two incidentals. On the one hand is the criticism reactionary or is it a comprehensive attempt at correcting institutional discrimination and it's medium Racism.

If the reason is the correction of discrimination, which in itself is a tactic acknowledgement that U.S. society is Racist. Then the method of analysis must orient itself from the position that the affirmative act is a legitimate corrective medium, an attempt to rectify an injustice.

The question becomes that of does Racism and discrimination maintain objective consequences in U.S. society? To what extent does it impact the maximal development of it's victims and can the reactionary imperative of it's status quo denial inclination overcome it's suppositions and soul search the answers.

By Apropos

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Health Care Public Option, Reaganomics, Crack Cocaine, Class War and The Democratic Party

The Health Care debate and the turn it is taking against the Public Option reveals, not that Public Option is idealistic, impractical and will lay waste to the nations Political-Economy foundation but it is indicative of the subversive nihilism of Democrats and Progressive-Liberalism.

During the Reagan Administration 1980-88; Democrats under House Speaker Tip O'Neil allowed and enabled the fundamental evil of Reaganism and it's Reaganomics to sabotage everything of American Political-Economy that played positive infractural roles, from the logic and dynamic of Unions to the production and realization of Money and Capital.

The extreme effects of Crack-Cocaine and the consumming habits of Urban Black Culture retailed Reaganomics enough that as a bright red glossy apple conceals it's wormed, cankerous, rotten core so was the over inflated money circulation of Reaganomics, concealing it's truth, that the inevitable conclusion of Reaganomics and Reaganism, which Democrats enabled and were complicit in it's deception is Class-War real which regardless of it's intellectual tendency will do nothing less than be a mere revisionary petty catharsis salve, a cauterizing sear to the sins of the fathers.

Democratic impotence in the face of reaction from backwards Republican states isn't an indictment against Republican-Conservatism insidiousness. Instead it is a challenge to the Democratic Party and it's delusionary political action and practice. A challenge that stems from the schizophrenic personality of the Democratic Party, it's bigoted past and racist legacy.

By Apropos

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Republican-Conservatism, Rush Limbaugh, The Venetian Money Dynamic and Odorous indecency

Republican-Conservatism for lack of a better description is abjectedly odorous and quite frankly an obscenity to American Political-Economy and it's body politic. From it's anti-deficit spending critique to it's inconsistent "less-government" diatribes. Republican-Conservatism has proven itself to simply be an anti-progressive destructive motive one that is wholly dependent on the historicity of human frailties and the exploitation of base tendencies at the expense of audacious optimism.

The talk-radio host and drug addict Rush Limbaugh who has during the Barack Obama Administration ascended as the defacto polemicist for Republican-Conservatism recently explained to the talk show host Jay Leno that the difference between government deficit spending and the inordinate accumulative amounts of money by Hedge Fund robber chieftains and their Venetian Money Dynamic Speculation, is Hedge Funds produce and create wealth. All of this which is paraphrased here was said with the straight face omission that: The much maligned government in Republican-Conservatism's "less government" diatribe is the essential entity that prints and then values the markets with the liquidity of the printed cash which for no other a priori reason enables Hedge Funds and the robber chieftain speculation of lets say a Pete Peterson of the Blackstone Group.

Republican-Conservatism's economic thought is the classic abstraction foisted as deistic fiat a la' monarchist aristocracy's God's given right to rule. The Club of Jacobin and it's 1789 practice of the French Revolution made short and quick work of that supposition and it's hallucinatory entitlement and privileges.

Historical Progressives must also make short and quick work of Republican-Conservatism economic thought, if Man and the Human Condition is to be liberated from it's odorous indecency.

By Apropos

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

2009 Virginia Gubernatorial Election, Bob McDonnell, Creigh Deeds, Progressive Objectivity & Republican-Conservatism Mockery of Jeffersonian Analysis

Under a Republican-Conservatism "less Government" administration The Commonwealth of Virginia has since 1995 committed in excess of half a billion dollars to building Prisons across the state and particularly in it's most economically marginalized and backwards areas. Not only has the money been committed but a guarantee in the form of Parole abolition that the Prisons will bee filled has been enacted (Virginia abolished Parole in 1995).

Virginia's Parole abolition by the then Republican Governor George Allen (who lost a 2008 U.S. Senatorial Re-Election bid due to a Racist remark caught on tape) was under the recidivism logic of penological suppositions, that a sizable amount of crime is committed by released Prisoners. So the Republican administration of Allen and Co. sold Virginia's citizens the impractical bill of a Virginia Gulag as solution to "Fix" once and for all the question of crime in Virginia, Which despite bankrupting the Treasury hasn''t.

The above narrative is necessary because once again the Commonwealth of Virginia finds itself faced with a choice of the political-economic practice Republican-Conservatism in it's 2009 Gubernatorial election between the Republican candidate Bob McDonnell and the Democrat Creigh Deeds and the Progressive objectivity of political practice that has less to do with pandering to reactionism and more with structuring the realization of a Virginia Human-Condition that is inclusive of it's diverse and varied cultural and social make up. Republican-Conservatism lacks the intellectual rigor and motive force to do so. A reaction to asymmetrical consequences cannot and should not be the sort analysis Political-Economy is structured upon which is what Republican-Conservatism uses.

If the people of Virginia have any sort of Progressive inclination they will relegate Republican-Conservatism and it's distortions of the "less Government" polemics with it's faith and family values hypocrisy to the discredited sophistry of it's antebellum affection and spare the Commonwealth of Virginia another periodic mockery of Jeffersonian analysis and elect the Democratic Creigh Deeds in the 2009 Gubernatorial election.

By Apropos

Sunday, September 27, 2009

The $53 Trillion Truth of Anti-Deficit Spending and Health Care Reform

The Federal Government recently reported that the net worth of Americans has increased and now stands at $53 Trillion.

This then means that the 10% of the population who benefited from the destabilizing agitation of reckless Republican economic idealism and who have conveniently mobilized their fifth columns of naysayers to Health Care Reform under the academic anti-deficit spending critique can practically and easily foot the bill of correcting the nations academic monetary-deficit as a patriotic duty, a la' Joe Biden, their contribution to the War on spending gimmick. A deficit which as their surrogate rhetoric clamors is sending the nation to hell in a hand basket.

This increased valuation of Americans net worth says one thing: Republican-Conservatism, Big Government, Anti-Deficit Spending critique is a flawed polemic plying the resentment inclination self-righteously and Health-Care Reform is another chronicle of it's default gambit.

By Apropos

Friday, September 25, 2009

Robert Rector, Lou Dobbs, The Heritage Foundation, Wealth Redistribution and the $800 Billion Gambit

Robert Rector, A Sr. fellow at the Heritage Foundation, a rank and filer one of those ubiquitous irrelevant intellectuals populating the think-tank affection which is the blight-spore indicator of Mans suppositions gone awry---self-righteously declared on the not surprising venue of the 9/16/09; Lou Dobbs Show on CNN (with "independents" like Lou Dobbs, Democrats welcome Republicans) That the U.S. govt. is spending yearly north of $800 Billion on America's poor, a wealth redistribution, a Joe the Plumber antagonistic spreading the wealth around, as a not so-concealed criticism of the Obama's Administration efforts at Health Care Reform.

The rejoinder to all those confused Robert Rectors in the world toiling away in the misery-resentment of their mediocre-imagination a La' Vladimir Lenin's "Petty Tyrants" shelf the Welfare State argument, shelf the Wealth Redistribution polemic!

If $800 Billion flows through the hands of America's poor it flows right back to the coffers of speculators and the Venetian Money Dynamic, It flows right back to Small Businesses who need the existence of Capitalism's and Speculative-Value flotsam.

The Heritage Foundation needs such socio-relationships to one dimensionally and superficially ply the resentment gambit and it's Welfare State theological polemic. But then to the Right Wing, Republican-Conservative/"Independent" Lou Dobbs any pronouncements of Wealth Redistribution passes as positive mental labor in the service of progressing the Human Condition.

What an affront to all those whose blood water the tree of Liberty.
By Apropos

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Political-Prisoners, The United States and the Contradiction of Political-Imprisonment

When most of us hear the term Political-Prisoners the first thing that comes to mind is Nelson Mandela and South Africa. Seldom does it cross our minds that right here in the United States Political-Prisoners also exist, are being held in it's prisons and Political-Imprisonment is a fact and ongoing practice. The bureaucrats and those elements of United States Society who benefit from the practice and definition of Political-Prisoners will vehemently argue that no such category of prisoners exist nor is there Political-Imprisonment in the United States. But the Political-Prisoner and the part of social-condition that produces them know they exist.

It's time this contradiction of United States Society is exposed to the harsh glare of human resolve. If Political-Imprisonment will not be tolerated in South Africa, Russia, China and those places the State Department and United States Government direct criticism at then it should not be tolerated here at home in the United States.

To forward thinking people find a course of action that fits your ability and let us end the practice of Political-Imprisonment in the United States.

By Apropos

Monday, September 21, 2009

South Carolina's Joe Wilson, Bigotry and the Sons of Confederate Veterans

South Carolina's Congressman Joe Wilson of the infamous "You Lie" yell, another of South Carolina's many crass contributions along with The War Between the States and Mark Sanford on discourse on perfecting the Union and Republic, is now claiming that of all the many distortions made by opposition to Health Care Reform losing 1 million jobs is one of them.

Besides subscribing to reactionary and bigoted ideas (Joe Wilson is sympathizer to a racist group, Southern Confederate Veterans) and a political practice that surimposes backwardness at the expense of progress. What exactly has Congressman Joe Wilson contributed to a more clearer grasp of the Human Condition and it's American experience?

Even the much maligned Karl Marx by Joe Wilson and his ilk, labored mightily to understand the contradictions and antagonisms of the Human Condition. Joe Wilson's brand of intellect believes instead of understands so the result is the typical fear mongering polemic that 1 million jobs will be lost if Health Care is reformed. This only reinforces that Joe Wilson and his practice of Republican-Conservatism is a "yell" of many historic yells at the expense of reason and thought.

By Apropos

Saturday, September 19, 2009, Frugality and Capitalism

Why and it's community is as wrong as speculative derivatives and credit default swap.

Frugality and thrift are indicators and evidence of an undeveloped Political-Economy or one in decline. If frugality and thrift as applied by and it's community is intended to correct the excesses of Capitalism and it's instabilities, as an idea it is naive as Capitalism being a omnipotent respondent to all antagonisms and contradictions of the Human Condition and it's suppositions and ignorance.

By Apropos

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Peter Flaherty of The National Legal and Policy Change and Walmart

Peter Flaherty of the Right-Wing National Legal and Policy Center. Another one of those slapped together Republican-Conservatism efforts to react disinform and exploit the prejudices of the Human Condition has been engaged in a low-intensity conflict with Walmart and other large Corporations.

The National Legal and Policy Center under the Leadership of Pete Flaherty polemicizes that Conservatism and Conservatives are slow in recognizing that Corporate America dictates social changes with the implication and true to Republican-Conservatism dicta that social-change is wrong.

The idea that the Human Condition can realize it's maximal activity without blustering and blundering it's way through the environment is as alien to Peter Flaherty and the National Legal and Policy change advocacy as the obviousness of the fact Walmart and other large Corporations are engines for social changes.

By Apropos

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"Freedom of Speech" A Tool of Speculative-Value and Imperialism

Lets not kid ourself, Freedom of Speech much used to criticize societies whose Political-Economies thwarts or impedes the activity of Speculative-Value and the Speculation of Imperialism and it's Venetian money dynamic is a relative indictment.

The "Freedom of Speech" critique is a facilitator tool wielded by Speculative-Value firstly as a preparatory medium for the softening and undermining of its target. Quality of life, hope and self determination of the people are inconsequential motives that are expediently exploited as means to ensure the Neo-Colonial paradigm of Speculative-Value can maximize Imperialism and it's activity of plunder.

By Apropos

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Opportunistic----Expedience, Republican-Conservatism Petulance and Political-Economy

If the motive-force in Man, The Human Being and The Human Condition is creative-industriousness then Political-Economy should articulate and defend it at the expense of Man's undisciplined base urges of opportunistic-expedience and Republican-Conservatism petulance.

Republican-Conservatism with it's economic practice exploits the human base urges of opportunistic-expedience. There is nothing within the economic practice of Republican-Conservatism petulance that recognizes that Political-Economy is not for ideology sake but it actually is an intellectual tool, a guide to action, a world view that sets out to structure a human condition that refutes the undisciplined base urges of opportunistic-expedience and Republican-Conservatism petulance.

By Apropos

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

American Political-Economy and the Black Condition

American Political-Economy is such that the major beneficiaries are White and the reason it's that is simple because the majority of White Americans have stable employment, particularly in the private sector. Due to their majority employment White people have been able to develop their condition/environment / society with the money their stable employment generates. So with money generating money all those other aspects and facets of society matures and develops. On the other hand, due to the fact that the majority of Black America as a ratio is not employed, the amount of money that flows into Black hands from their public sector, governmental-employment and it's insufficiency and because a significant amount of Black people are not actual-capital producers: The Black Condition as a whole is unable to of it's own volition develop and define it's determinations against a bias-default position accorded it within the American Political-Economy.

By Apropos

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Republican-Conservatism, Government and the American-Gothic Affection

If Republican-Conservatism supposes it's political-activity is the pro-active defense of Mans liberation from the constraints of government and it has correctly realized that to accomplish such requires Political-Economy it should then fall in lock-step with Revolutionary Marxism and the Socialist anticipation of the "withering away of the state" and it's Communist utopic realization.

If the only practical means of liberating Man from the constraints of government is the political-economic activity and if the government dynamic is the organized violence of status-quo consensus and if Republican-Conservatism contrary to it's American-Gothic affection is a peddler of the resentment-syndrome demagoguery. It should be treated as such and cast out from any construct of thought becoming the progress of the Human Condition.

By Apropos

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

The One Taste Urban Retreat and Republican Hypocrisy

The One Taste Urban Retreat of San Francisco. Is it fantastic Bohemianism or Bacchanalian libido unapologetically expressed, a temple to the sort of licentiousness Republican hypocrisy and it's Conservatism wistfully accuses Nancy Pelosi's' San Francisco of.

But the One Taste Urban Retreat of San Francisco with a soon to be opened branch in New York City is so hedonistically functional, it's merge and blend of applied Tantra Yoga with Aerobics a communion of sensuality and prosaic sweaty exercise. That it behooves, save for Philistine Republican-Conservatism, a recognition none other than a role in the Human-Condition's struggles against reactionary Republican-Conservatism, it's alienation and hypocrisy.

By Apropos

Monday, August 31, 2009

Obama's Economic Thought, The Human Condition and Deficit Spending and the Objectivity of Value Critique

To all those "Gone With the Wind" and "Birth of a Nation" sympathizer legatees moonlighting as Non-Partisan critics of Obama's Economic thought and it's practice. If as they giddily put it that Obama is saddling generations 4 and 5 removed in the future with the yoke of unfathomable debt because of Deficit spending.

The argument is misplaced, misdirected, idealistic and does nothing to move forward and advance the analysis of how to discern and correct the inherent abstraction and antagonism upon human life of the objectivity of value and it's expressed medium as money.

Critics of deficit spending think the invocation of the idea of futuristic generations paying for the sins of their parents spending wins them the argument conclusively. They are wrong and it only reveals that after millennia of mans efforts, attempts and labor at realizing a medium of value expression that doesn't distort the value expression and it's transactional-relationship, Man's propensity for and instinctual ignorance has only managed to maintain a system that has nothing to do with the circumstance of the human condition and it's objective need for value expression.

The entire construct of Political-Economy and it's money expression assumes a premise, a presupposition that value and it's practicality is relegated to the basics of what is necessary for the re-creation of the human condition. The idea however that the human condition is based on re-creation is correct. But the critique of it's value expression has been and is wrong and has actively been at odds with the re-creation dynamic of the human condition.

The un-stated premise of the Obama Presidency is American Political-Economy has tilted so severely, on the side of speculation and Imperialism and it's antagonisms that nothing short of it's re-start holds any promise for the survivability of the union. This is the backdrop which to some seems as Apocalyptic sums of money are being printed saddling their Grandkids with debt. The reality is they are wrong. Deficit spending or it's absence has nothing to do with the quality of life anticipated by future generations.
By Apropos

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Traditions, Culture and the Anti-Progress Critique

There is this classical false premise assertion that archaic traditions and cultural habits and practices cannot and should not be examined and criticized on the merits, lest the critic and polemicist comes across as elitist and imperialist in all the various critical forms. So the consequences is a sort of manipulative collusion by international and the specific nation status quo with on the one hand reactionary and anti-progress traditions and culture are defended and tolerated as national pride for the subjects as a means of defiance against their lot, while on the other the internationalist on both sides of the dynamic conveniently exploit the rewards of progress under the guise of facilitating the means of business.

There is a typical refrain in the so-called under-developed Third-World as it clings to reactionary traditions and cultural-impracticalities as Polemic against the industrialized West and it's legacy of stunting, stymying and retarding the self-deterministic dynamic of the Third World: That anything Western is wrong and any member of it's citizenry pursuing Western applications is a national traitor.

This mindset and it's dynamic is the dialectical bane of the Human-Condition on both sides of it's determination. Because it conditionalizes progress in a manner that not only is it anti-but it supports backwardness and it's myriad expressions of prejudice in a manner that enables Imperialism and it's exploitation.

By Apropos

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Town Halls of 2009, Ignorance, Bigotry and Republican-Conservatism

Liberals, Progressives, Practical-Minded People, Empiricist, Dialectical-Materialist Theorist and Democrats have all in one form or the other expressed disdain and outrage at the ignorance and Intellectual-Liberalism expressed exhibited and on full display during these Town Halls of 2009 and the sessions of Open Political-Activity of the Health Care Reform struggle.

Its as if half of the nation awakened one morning to the stupefying spectacle of ruddy faced adults displaying the most base form of ignorance, that of illiteracy and bigotry. It's as if the classical period of Enlightenment and the Renaissance was hypothesis in a Liberal-Arts curriculum and an entire one-half of the American population never realized that something as facts exist and regardless of objective, Facts are Bias Neutral.

What is quite amusing about the spectacle of illiteracy on display at the Town-Halls of 2009 is how synonymous Republican-Conservatism has become with ignorance and bigotry. The task facing the nation and it's Progressive imperative is applying zero-tolerance for the sort of ignorance, Republican-Conservatism seems to instigate and revel in.

By Apropos

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Republican-Conservatism: It's Anti-Big Government Spending Polemics and Nancy Pelosi

Republican-Conservatism and it's pathological practice of disinformation and demagoguery never shys away from exploiting it's tried and proven weapon: it's historical anti-big Government spending polemic. The irony is it historically supports the type of Governmental spending that necessitates and inflates the printing of money, that of the military-industrial symbiosis and it's exploitation.

The continued success of the anti-big Government spending and it's deficit money polemic is simple: the masses of the human condition and it's American Political-Economy variant are amazingly ignorant to the application of speculative-value and it's Venetian money dynamic.

So arguments like the nation is in debt and the Chinese will stop loaning money, suffice to brow beat ignorance into the middle-class and the working poor that their insufferable lot is due to Nancy Pelosi and her "San Francisco" Big Government spending ways while omitting the fact, that "San Francisco" Liberals and their Progressive values liberates the nations creativity and technological ingenuity, providing the necessary jobs for the middle-class, the working poor and their Reagan Democrats gullible receptiveness to Conservative Polemics and it's reaction.

By Apropos

Sunday, August 16, 2009

What is Invaluable Satisfaction, What is the Money Dynamic and Mediocrity

Invaluable Satisfaction is the innately-objective human state of firstly, cognition, secondly creativity and industriousness and money as the sole approximate expression of this value dialectic has been a ploy foisted on the Human Condition by less creative, less industrious minds in the attempt at fettering it's art and physics to their mediocrity.

Are there not two classes of human work? The first class is creativity and inventiveness. The second is the replication and mass production of invention as a practical fact.

If the Invaluable Satisfaction of both classes of work is unique to it's activity isn't it then an antagonistic contradiction to assume the money dynamic by it's mere convenience as mode of expression should then assume fiat like dicta ursurping the apriori of Invaluable Satisfaction?

By Apropos

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Hostages, Captives and the Contradiction of the Prisoner Dialectic

This fails me. There is the ubiquitous parade of Psychologist and so-called experts each dispensing "expert" advice on the Psychological trials and adjustment deficit for released former hostages and captives. Statistics are hurled about showing the Socio-Dysfunctional rates of former hostages and captives, be it Divorce, Suicides or physical trauma and the qualifier is the statistics represent persons detained as hostages, held captive for ransom for the various reasons. Consequently private and public resources are expended in efforts of support for and rehabilitation of the former hostages and captives.

On the average Tens of Thousands of Prisoners held in American Jails and Prisons under relatively similar conditions as hostages and captives are released yearly without an assessment of their experience within the linguistic and critical framework of released hostages and captives. This begs this question is inhumane, and barbaric treatment of a detained human being in all it's sensory deprivation and physical mistreatment dependent only on the clinical and academic distinction of legal and illegal?

Is the existential reality of the detained subjects experience of injustice, inhumanness, and barbarity a contradiction mitigated or aggravated by the mere means of it's procedural application?

By Apropos

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Iran Nuclear Program, The Obama Presidency and Agent Provocateurs

If there isn't a cabal that is conspiratorially-molelike, laboring , undermining whatever potential might exist for a form of resolution to the Iran Nuclear Program by the Obama Presidency that will allow Iran to enter the Nuclear Club, there should be. Because since commencement of the Obama Presidency and the realization by Israel, it's sympathizers, Zionism and it's cabal that the Obama Presidency would allow Iran membership into the Nuclear Club. The world has been introduced to all sorts of ploys, gimmicks and gambits wielded by those opposing Iran's possession of Nuclear technology with their efforts at sabotaging Iranian institutions, infrastructure, stirring and supporting Political instability in Iran. Everything is being done to muddy the waters, so to speak, discrediting any means and opportunity available to the Obama Presidency on the Iran Nuclear program.

This latest episode of Three Semitic-Americans arrested in Iran for violating it's borders is interestingly-Bizarre. Are we to accept that there are supposedly reasonably minded Americans who are down right stupid and reckless enough to place themselves on the Iranian border?

The only logical conclusion is the three Semitic-Americans are Agent Provocateurs destined by their arrest to create an International incident that will further discredit maneuvering by the Obama Presidency on the Iran Nuclear Program question.

If the ploy is bizarre it only reveals the desperation of the cabal that instigated it.

By Apropos

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Deflationary, Recessionary, High-Unemployment Economy and Republican-Conservatism: Governmental Spending and Invaluable Satisfaction

What exactly does Republican critique against Governmental spending in a deflationary, recessionary high unemployment economy mean? It simply means the middle class rationalizes thrift and the working poor-underclass rededicate theirself to the theological dicta of suffering in principle and in deed.

The idea that in a deflationary, recessionary, high-unemployment economy, governmental spending distorts and increases inflation by deflating value is an insidious mischaracterization, a misrepresentation of empirical circumstances and an outright lie intended to satisfy political opportunity.

If as Republican anti-governmental spending economic thought goes that compelling people to spend what money they are holding, by withholding the government purse is how to reawaken a stagnant economy it then ignores the reality that it is an unconscionable and needless hardship which serves no other purpose than the pursuit of theological ideas and a human conditional historicity that is based in ignorance.

Thrift in a deflationary, recessionary, high-unemployment economy is another means of removing money from the retail function of the economy and making it accessible to the speculative-derivative paradigm of risk as a capitalist function. What matters is there has to be a positive circulation of money regardless of source. Republican-Conservatism and it's resentment-judgemental coefficient would rather people suffered needlessly under archaic empirical distortion of suffering as dialectical truism of the human condition and it's political economy, a dialectical synthesis which as a historical attribute must be embraced or else fire and brimstone will fall from the Heavens. But with the dialectical-materialist anticipation of Value and it's money medium of which governmental spending enables the redemptive realization of mans invaluable satisfaction. Governmental spending attempts to achieve and does accomplish the potential of man's creative realizations and in the socialized industries of the worlds developed economies we see the existence of pockets of this reality.

By Apropos

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Michael Eric Dyson, Larry Elder and The Black Security Guard of Nixonian-Republican Criminality

The guest on the 7/29/09; Larry King Live on CNN were: Larry Elder, Ben Stein, Joe Brown and Michael Eric Dyson. The topic was Race Relations and American Police, specifically the Henry Louis Gates arrest of 2009.

Michael Eric Dyson reiterated his encapsulating illustration that were Barack Obama, a White President and were Henry Louis Gates the tottering Henry Kissinger who is a White academician and the arresting Police Officer, a Black Officer, the outcome, storyline and narrative of the Henry Louis Gates arrest of 2009 would be different.

Larry Elder true to his status-quo collaborator-apologist inclination protested Michael Eric Dyson's illustration, and I paraphrase: Eric Dyson cannot say that because it hasn't happened. But as it normally is with the work of the collaborator-apologist, revision and outright misinformation is the operative.

I want to remind Larry Elder, that it has already happened. The Watergate Scandal which exposed a sitting President Richard Nixon as another petty-criminal opportunist thus causing his disgraceful resignation and exit from office was caused and initiated by a Black security guard who chanced upon the break-in at the Watergate Hotel. Anticipating Michael Eric Dyson's polemics: That Black security guard because of his actions at the Watergate Hotel, exposing Nixonian-Republican criminality has been relegated imperpetuity beyond the pale of history. That Black security guard lost this job, became homeless, was persecuted because he dared apply law to the status-quo. That Black security guard is the historical refutation to that time worn collaborator-apologist function of the Larry Elders and their one-dimensional critique, which dialectically in turn affirms Michael Eric Dyson's polemic.

By Apropos

Sunday, August 2, 2009

George F. Will and His Conservative Intellectual-Liberalism is Wrong, Taxes and the Invaluable-Satisfaction Dialectic

What is wrong with George F. Will? So he writes trite columns for a living, that only establishes he has the necessary objectivity to feed himself. Besides that, his illiteracy under the cloak of Conservatism isn't simply appalling it is insidiously-audacious in the specific sense of it's wormy insinuation into the historical questions of American Political-Economy. George F. Will is wrong on two fronts: Intellectually and philosophically. Conservatism and it's American variant is simply wrong and historically-reactionary.

George F. Will writes in his "The "Tax the Rich!" "Reflex" 7/27/09; essay for Newsweek Magazine...
"tap a typical Democrat... on the knee with a rubber hammer and he or she will say "Tax the Rich!". Well this proposition naturally has it's antithesis, "Tap a typical Republican-Conservative on the with a rubber hammer and he or she will say "Tax Cut". The nature of taxes as George F. Will and his Conservative compatriots see it is the sum total of the Political-Economy dialectic and that closes their intellectual-loop and philosophical circuitry.

American-Conservatism and it's Intellectual-Liberalism represented by it's George F. Will, Charles Krauthammer, William Kristol and Rush Limbaugh cabal and pantheon misses the question-crux of the human condition and it's Political-Economy which is invaluable-satisfaction. Invaluable-satisfaction, it's means of realization is the Political-Economy dialectic and to reduce it to the taxation irrelevancy reveals quite starkly an ignorance naivete that is flabbergasting.

The question has nothing to do with George F. Will's gibberish verbosity of his 7/27/09 essay which can easily be explained with the simple unfettered idealism. But the question is, does Conservatism and it's Intellectualism posses the requisite auto-criticism to realize that Richard Nixon's abandonment of the Gold Standard and it's paradigm has enabled the revelation of quintessential value. It has anticipated digital-technology and it's productivity and the maturation of speculation despite it's strain again on a sector of the economy has only underscored the fact that the Conservative Political-Economy narrative with it's rote like fixation on taxes, is simply incapable of capturing the invaluable-satisfaction dialectic intrinsic to the human condition. George F. Will and Conservative Intellectual-Liberalism can continue indulgence in the farcial exercise into a nature of the human condition that held true when theology and it's dichotomy held sway with it's dicta that man suffered, because of preordination and not the judgemental resentment of conservative-ignorance and it's reaction. But it is at the expense of contemporary creativity and technological productivity which utterly refutes Conservatism and its Intellectualism and despite George F. Will's assertions that Liberalism and it's intellectual-labor fetters man, the opposite is true and invaluable-satisfaction not taxes is the dynamic.

By Apropos

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Conservative Intellectual-Liberalism and Liberal-Intellectualism and Thought

What is Conservative Intellectual-Liberalism: It is that historical practice and tendency irrespective of political milieus, of playing loose with facts, historical revisions, the inclination to arouse, stimulate and incite the base irrationality in people and it's apogee is obfuscation.

While Liberal-Intellectualism and Thought struggles to enlighten and inclusively expand human potential, Conservative Intellectual-Liberalism is reactionary.

By Apropos

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Prison Reform, Political-Economy and "Open Political Action"

Is Prison Reform as envisioned by the Barack Obama Presidency and Senator Jim Webb of Virginia a co-opt and preempt of organic Prison Reform?

Historically Prison Reform, which is to mean advocacies by persons and groups towards the purpose of achieving a reform of imprisonment and the way it is used in the United States has floundered and hasn't achieved it's objectives. If some of it's objectives were realized it was concessional ploys by government. Firstly as a means of co-opting reforms evolutionary direction and secondly tactical maneuvering that strengthens the governmental position all the more firmly. A classic example of this is the Anti-Death Penalty position and advocacy, with the way government maneuvered by strengthening that weakness of the governmental position and then enforcing it even more draconically after the revision and correction of that which made Capital Punishment susceptible to attack by it's foes.

Prison as used in the U.S. is a means of controlling elements of society who because of their economical oppression are politically and socially marginalized. What this means in the broad sense is, those members of society who because of their manner of interaction with the economy are without the political and social basis to demand substantial access and positive recognition from society are the ones laws and imprisonment are designed for. It doesn't take much to realize that if an element of society lacks the means to stably interact with it, decisions made and the resulting behavior will run counter to society's laws and as such will result imprisonment. Elements in society who for the most part meet this controlling imperative have been Black people (descendants of enslaved Africans) and the poor blue collar worker or the ubiquitous "working poor".

U.S. society and government does not view it's Black elements and blue collar working poor as productive beings in the Political-Economical sense. But it views the population in question first and foremost as a group to be controlled. This antebellum mind-set dates back to it's feudalistic and royalist origins when common people were to be controlled and rigidly tied to the land by their so-called betters, in a statist undertaking of Political-Economy. Even with the advent of industrial technology and it's socialist production, those societies of which the United States is a historical off spring simply carried over the feudalistic mind-set to socialist industrial production. Of Which even if the so-called commoners, "working poor" of the United States society, Black people and the poor blue collar working Whites are not in practice feudalistically tied to the land they are in principle just as much tied to it due to their lacking of that substantial means of removing theirselves from that imperative of control.

The issue of Prison Reform is also the question of what is the structure and development of the materialist-dialectic of American Political-Economy. In other words if the issue is what is to be done with the predominant imprisonment of Black people and the poor White people, the answer lies with the radical reputation of the American Labor narrative and the speculative-value antagonism. It also lies with a heightened political grasp of the "working poor",to clearly and starkly contrast the divergence of interest within Political-Economy dynamic of their condition. This means not allowing the status-quo and it's support functionaries to describe and define facts as they see fit.

Historically Prison reform holds the position that "open political action" is a specific intellectual activity with the final arbiter the very cause for it's practice and as the Barack Obama Presidency and Senator Jim Webb's initiatives outline the question it preempts organic Prison Reform.

By Apropos

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Crispus Attucks and The 2009 Arrest of Henry Louis Gates by The Cambridge, Massachusetts Police

The spirit of Crispus Attucks roams the hills and valleys of Massachusetts in it's eternal embodiment of "Give me liberty or give me death"?

Did Henry Louis Gates, the eternal collaborator embodying the Jeffersonian contradiction of the Crispus Attucks experience of American Blackness, feel Crispus Attucks lament as bigotry and it's repression in the form of the Cambridge, Massachusetts White police officer seizing his liberty remind him of what Crispus Attucks actually died for.

Across the land the classic diatribe swells against the Cambridge Police Department, which with Jeffersonian contradiction was only fulfilling it's historical duty. The 2009 arrest of Henry Louis Gates is only the logical conclusion to a statistical certainty that the Black upper class and it's intelligentsia support functionaries should naturally expect, considering their silence and apathy to the generational pogromization of Black America at the expense of the Crispus Attucks experience ---Henry Louis Gates reaffirms the Jeffersonian contradiction with his 2009 arrest.

By Apropos

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Israel and the Blame Game

Why is Israel always ready and quick to blame?

Israel blames Iran, Israel blames Hezbollah, Israel blames Hamas, Israel blames Syria.

Disingenuously Israel blames President Jimmy Carter!!! But the truth is were it not for Jimmy Carter and the billions of dollars deal his administration cut with the Egyptians to elicit the Egyptian status quo's services in securing Israel's flank, Israel might not even be.

Israel with it's treatment of the Palestinian people is gravely miscalculating. Palestinians are not Australia's Aboriginals or Native Americans or even descendants of enslaved Africans. Nor is there some sort of apocalyptic redemption that will in Hitlerite fashion genocidally exterminate the Palestinians so the blame game which Israel, Frat boy like pursues futilely only postpones the inevitable: The affirmative co-existence with Palestinians.

By Apropos

Monday, July 20, 2009

We Are

We are "The Wretched of the Earth",
the suffers of injustice,
the bearers of the yoke of oppression.

We are the down-trodden,
the exploited,
the repressed and we can always rest assured to be manipulated and compromised.

We are The People,
The Populations, The Masses. We build civilizations, we construct edifices and structures attesting to the creativity, ingenuity, and expression of humanity.

We are the basis and foundation that prosperity, wealth, and stability are built on. We surmount the insurmountable. We labor as "Beast of Burden" and the rule is we do all this in the pursuit of anothers interest. We always place anothers welfare above ours. We compromise our lives and settle for wretched existence in consequences of our pursuits of alien ideas.

We are Human Beings. Yet we settle for Civil Rights instead of Human Rights. Some of us claim ignorance as a justifiable reason for subjugated, subservient existence we call our Human Condition.

Those of us who exist in societies that the rule is an exchange of labor for Capital, meaning the dictated means of acquiring and attaining the necessities of life: water, food, shelter, and clothing, experience it's consequences as an inequity of their material realization, an inability to attain that maximal realization of their Human potential.

Those of us who exist in societies that the rule is allegiance to the state, garners you the basics in life experience the injustices and inability of the state to contend and deal with the frailties, whims and caprices of it's human elements, those petty tyrants who at every inch of the way exhibit that rat like frenzy of rats abandoning a sinking ship, grasping and grabbing what their placement within the state machine allows as the wretched masses once again look on
stupefied--- our blood was shed for this?

Those of us who exist in societies that the rule is fiat of theocracy, experience the hypocrisy of human sensuality and sentience totally at odds with the sapient potential of human realization. we persistently encounter that infantile inability of the theological basis to come to terms with the profane cause-effect of the material basis defining and determining that exponential parameter of our lives and condition, which as a result repress and alienates us the masses from our humanness---which in effect produces that one dimensional Human Being we all know so well.

We, "The Wretched of the Earth" have the obligation of understanding that all these factors and conditions that bring us so much despair, grief and anger have no other solution than ourselves. We hold in our hands the turn of our destiny and the relative means to direct our lives upon that path of maximal realization of which the legacy of humanness is our inheritance. The progression of humanness lies with us because we are humanity.

We are the People,
The Populations, The Masses. The frustrations we revel in permitting our articulation of that defeatist slogan "that's the system and that's the way it is", illustrates our continued submission to an existence that takes everything out of us and puts nothing back. It drains us of our humanness and replaces it with the illogical and a humanistic urge of oblivion under the guise of redemption.

By Apropos

Friday, July 17, 2009

Walter Williams, Colonialism and the Black Apologist Dynamic

Walter Williams, Professor of Economics wrote:

"I'll never make an argument for Colonialism but the fact of business is that the average African was better off under Colonialism..."

I have a problem with it and find it extremely irresponsible and criminal that such utter nonsense is spouted under the guise of responsible scholarship.

The fact is the imperialistic designs and Colonial intentions of the Portuguese, Dutch, British, French, Belgian and Italian Colonizers and the conferees of the Berlin Conference , retarded and voided the very essence of the Colonized Africans. Not only are conclusions as Walter Williams derisive of self-determination, but are the death rattle gasp of the Racist paternalist and in this instance Apologist collaborator-lackey.

Prior to the European Colonization of Africa, were the Africans in social and political disarray? Were not the Africans in most parts able to put protracted and in some instances successful resistance and the logistics and psychological effort it demanded a reflection of the well structured polity it represented? Post independent, have the Neo-Colonialist, former Colonies been allowed to chart their own destiny, without meddling from one or all of their former Colonial masters under the Geo-Political logic of "spheres of influence".

Much is always said of how the European Colonizers of Africa, developed comprehensively the infrastructure and organized the Political Economical structures of their respective Colonies and as such matters always are, it's either an outright lie or a well maintained myth.

European Colonizers didn't Colonize Africa because of benevolent intent. Their first order of Business was first and foremost , plunder and exploit. Consequently any and all organizing and infrastructural development was simply that which would facilitate and expedite their business of plunder and looting. Everything and all within the Colonies was organized and structured to maximize the pillage of resources. Naturally the Colonizers had to rigorously and vigorously destroy any and all forms of opposition, which in principle was any conflicting ideas and intentions against their plunder imperative.

This is the back drop in true form to lackey analysis. Walter Williams writes:

"The legacy of Colonialism, used so often as an excuse by Africans is a sham that can't hold waste. After all some of the worlds richest countries like the U.S. Canada, Australia, and N. Zealand ---were Colonies as was Hong Kong, whats true about those ex-Colonies that's untrue about Africa?

Williams as Professor of Economics should answer his own question. I find it profoundly pathetic at the lengths Black collaborator-lackey and Apologist for Colonialism and it's "White Mans burden" dialectic go to in defense of Euro-centric logic. Professor Walter Williams is no different than those historical Wheatley's who pathetically celebrated their enslavement as enlightenment.

Irrespective of Barack Obama's 7/11/09; speech to Ghana's Parliament and it's admonishment. Africans Political-Economy cannot be analysed absent the stench of it's history.

By Apropos

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hugo Chavez, Political Activity, United States, The Honduran Crisis, The Reactionary Dialectic and Henry Ford

Who and what is Hugo Chavez. So the United States and it's imperative (whatever that is) finds Hugo Chavez and his type of Political activity offensive. The obvious conclusion is if the United States, it's imperative and type of Political activity responded and refuted the Polemics and dialectics of Hugo Chavez and his Political activity and imperative, the Chavez circumstance would collapse upon the weight of it's specific and general contradictions.

Simply reducing the Honduran Presidential crisis and it's conditional-coup to the stale , old and tired Neo-Colonial paradigm and it's critique of Communist vs. Capitalist, Left vs. Right, Hugo Chavez as meddler. Lacks the idea of developmental progress and it's consequensential realization of Political-Economy in it's true sense.

The United States, it's imperative and Political activity has historically played a reactionary role in South America. Again the Honduran Coup and the Hugo Chavez dialectic is enabling a reconstitution of United States reaction and it's imperative, despite the fact, this time it is on the side of the legally elected Honduran President, Manuel Zelaya.

The reality for Honduras, The United States if simple: Poverty, Repression, Marginalization, it's dialectics, contradictions and antagonisms never occurs in a vacuum. True to the irrationality of the Human brain it historically requires extreme measures for the practicality of Henry Ford and his $5 maxim to grab the imagination of the petty-reactionary minds who have in their hands the reins of power.

By Apropos

Sunday, July 12, 2009

CNN, Iranian Election, Israel and Covert Activities

Listening to the British Spy David Miliband on CNN's GPS with Fareed Zakaria,
go through structured disinformation attempting to stem the Iranian Government's narrative that the recent Election protest on Tehran's streets are results of British Intelligence and Zionist machinations was humorous. For one the British and Zionist are squirming because if the protest reflects a unity of perspective in Iran then the Ayatollahs have no ears for their narrative to fall on.

If the Election was stolen as CNN and the multitudes rioting in Tehran speak with their coverage and actions, even to the theatrics of the U.S. President Barack Obama expressing "outrage" at the level of response from the Iranian Government which is not even comparable to the wanton Israeli destruction upon hapless Palestinians to which by the way none of the imposter's on the global stage express outrage at. Then the breech in Iranian Political civility with the election protest, is the necessary activity that sweeps away the Iranian theocratic apparatus and it's status quo.

To the contrary events in Iran are anything but clear. Were the protest indigenous and organic as it's well-fed sympathizers and supporters ensconced in their Twittering criminal naivete at the machinations unfolding on their high definition screens with the classically duped face of CNN's Christiane Amanpour reporting are made to believe. There would not be the need for the intense sorts of denials from U.S. and British Intelligence complicit with the dare not say anything Israel Mossad.

What is obvious is Israel, desperate to stem the inevitability of it's historicity along with the fifth column activities of disgruntled and gullible Urban Iranians has under the guise of election fraud engaged in covert activities and sabotage against Iranian military and Nuclear facilities in preparation for overt attacks on Iran's Nuclear program.

By Apropos

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

History It's Repeating ARC, Lebanon, The Iraq War and Ronald Reagan

What will the narrative be. When American forces reposed on their Iraqi bases experience history and it's repeating ARC, as their Marine comrades and brethren during Ronald Reagan's Lebanon adventurism intended as Political-contrast of Republican robustness with the impotence of the preceding Democratic Carter.

Will there be sanctimonious howls of rage and synthetic grief when those sitting duck G.I.'s on their Iraqi bases suffer a blow equal to the truck bombing of the Marine base at Lebanon?

Will there be the irrelevantly typical and idealistic Polemic against Democrats and their mythical National Security Deficit from a Republican Party that hasn't won any meaningful Military undertaking contrary to it's farcial bellicosity since Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War?

Iraq once again is revealing how robustly naive is the legacy of Ronald Reagan.

By Apropos

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Democrats and Governmental Deficit Spending

What is wrong with Congressional Democrats, Democratic Analyst and Democratic Polemicist with their tame, weak and effeminate characterization and defense of Governmental Deficit spending?

The Polemic and it's defense is simple and matter of fact straight forward. In the absence of universal employment, universal Political-Economic access of All functioning citizens, Governmental deficit sending is the only progressively practical medium of the social-contract.

By Apropos

Monday, June 29, 2009

Premature Revolutions, Iran and Who Benefited

History teaches that premature Revolutions and solid-upheavals result in status-quo consolidation with a firm and tight grip on the apparatus of organized violence.

The recent events in Iran pose a simple: Who benefits and who benefited. Obviously Israel and Zionist cabal.

By Apropos

Saturday, June 27, 2009

American Politics, Self-Evident Jeffersonian Truths and I Told You So

American Politics at it's Reactionary-Conservative core anticipates and even welcomes the terrific sort of deviancy in societal relations as a sort of self-flagellatory leverage. A systemic I Told You So's of human nature which then translates into the "Pursuit of Happiness" and it's antagonistic self-evident Jeffersonian truths. This then becomes the controlling and governing imperative of the social-contract and it's symbiotic tyrannies, the individual and masses.

Henry Fairlie, the acerbic Brit labored mightily to William Buckley's angst in positing that American Conservatism and the Republican Party with all respects was not worthy of analysis because it even lacked a cogent thesis of Political-Economy dialectic. The only dynamic left political opportunity and action of such a nature is that one-dimensional and time-worn narrowmindness of religiosity, moral-judgementalism and it's I Told You So's self-righteousness.

By Apropos

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sarah Palin, Barack Obama, What is a Correct Definition of Money Circulation and The Socialist Label

Sarah Palin and the desperate wing of the Republican Party which is to mean the entire Republican-Conservative cabal couples with the hypocrisy and criminal ignorance of Christian -Fundamentalism have gleefully labeled Barack Obama a Socialist.

A corollarial tangent of this argument is what is a correct definition of money circulation. Sarah Palin and the cabal of insidiousness have true to the instincts of illiteracy and it's ineptitude decided on characterizing Barack Obama's money circulatory dynamic as socialistic and deficit spending. With demagogic emphasis on deficit spending as negative.

The irony of this argument is Barack Obama's ascension to the U.S. Presidency and impact on Political-Economy has been the quintessential mega boost to Capitalism, Speculative-Value and the money circulation dynamic.

Beginning with the prodigious amount of money the Obama Presidential campaign raised and thereby infused into the local economies of the campaigns battlegrounds. To the entrepreneurial exploitation of the historical fact of his Presidency and opportunities it has presented Barack Obama has been everything but a Socialist and Socialistic to American Political-Economy.

By Apropos

Monday, June 22, 2009

Bill Maher, Barack Obama, Democrats and Progressive Advocacy

While Bill Maher is correct in the more substantive points of his recent Barack Obama critique and in the recognition that the Democratic Party has conceded the Political-Economic field to Speculative-Value and it's Republican-Conservatism by pursuing a central-right thesis. Still Progressive and Labor ideas and it's proponents are to blame. One after the other Progressive and Labor advocacy proponents have allowed Republican-Conservatism and it's reaction to frame Political-Economy imperatives, stoking social fears and out right distorting information and preserving mass media.

A critique of Barack Obama as not being aggressive enough ignores the fact that grass roots movements with Democratic leanings must aggressively prepare the socio-environment for any activity, reform or radical on Obama's part.

A quick example: Media is full of opposition Ads to Obama's health care reform plan. Yet Democratic grass roots groups who should be leading the way on the health care plan are unconscionably silent in it's defense.

On the farcial point of deficit spending the Democratic Party and Progressive advocacy are unwilling to combat Republican-Conservative tactical distortions and outright declare that empirically Money is intrinsically a deficit creation. As it simply represent value potential and the inflationary and deflationary nemesis have nothing to do with money and it's circulation but everything to do with it's production.

Progressive and Labor advocacy specifically are to blame for every single Progressive default in the Nations Political-Economy. If there is one conclusion it's salient is Speculative-Value and it's Republican-Conservatism medium has functionally checked Progressive advocacy to the point it is a liability and misanthropy is the new Humanness.

By Apropos

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Iran's recent Election, Zionist Interest and the Obama Administration

What is happening in Iran and it's recent elections has to do with concerns for the welfare and condition of the Iranian people. The perverted slogans of democracy and freedom are simply tools in the employ of agitators pursuing Israel's and Zionist interest ( United States is under the Zionist Banner).

Whether or not the Iranian Theocracy has played into the hands of Israel and Zionism is besides the point. What matters is this display of real politik C.I.A. and Mossad style. The reemergence of tactics and practice on a grand scale coupled with corporate media fanning the flames of bias burning the constructed straw-man and men of Iran and it's theocracy.

There is an added element. This insistent badgering barrage demanding the Barack Obama come out in strident criticism of the Iranian election is all about having the Obama Administration destroy any ability and credibility it would have resolve the Iranian Nuclear question diplomatically. It is simple if Barack Obama comes out critically against the Iranian election and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad hangs on to the power, the Obama Administration would have boxed itself into a corner with the dilemma of having Political discussions with a government it has preemptively criticized as rouge and illegitimate.


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Iranian Republic-Islamic fork in U.S. History and Anecdotal Intrigue

The Iranian Republic, it's Islamic Revolution and ensuing Theocracy creates an undeniable fork in U.S. history and Political-Economy. The Results of the recent Iranian elections reflect a long range calculation by U.S. Intelligence and it's anecdotal intrigue, which it's anticipation is four years from now the contradictions and antagonisms of the Ahmadinejad Regime would be at critical mass.

There is a model for this: Iran itself. The collaborator Reza Shah Pahlavi, contemporary models are, Zimbabwe, Georgia, Lebanon, The Palestinian Authority and it's legitimize Israel historical purpose.

The reality is Speculative value and it's nihilism has to resolve it's contradiction to present a dynamic critique of Islamic Theology of which the Iranian-Islamic Republic is it's antagonistic fact and it has to transcend the inevitability of Israel's destiny as operative.

By Apropos

Monday, June 15, 2009

Smoking But Not Inhaling and Marijuana Legalization

To the Smokers, to the Inhalers. To those defiers of respiratory physics, Smoking but not Inhaling. To those who for whatever reason defame and extoll the virtue's of Marijuana. To the question of Marijuana Legalization. I have for you one experience, Read, Dope inc. By Lyndon Larouche.

By Apropos

Friday, June 12, 2009

Health Care and the Cognitive-Deficit Base of Republican-Conservatism

If without Republican-Conservative definition of big government spending, the nations health care chugged speculatively along upon the delusionary free-market dynamic, leaving 40+ million Americans in it's wake, without practical health care on all accounts.

How can Rick Scott of Conservative Patients Rights and his insidious Republican, political acolytes and their easily manipulated base. Yes base as in cognitive-deficit beyond the historical pace, challenge the Barack Obama and congressional Democrats overhaul of the nations health care as big government spending and government intrusion between physician and patient?

By Apropos

Monday, June 8, 2009

Barack Obama, The Democratic Party, Empirical Critique and The Venetian Dynamic

In light of Barack Obama and the Democratic Party's ascendancy certain contradictions and antagonisms within American Political-Economy are being idealistically attacked with the historic-usual revisionist arrogance, specifically in that manner apathy.

The assumption and it's practice that political idealist masquerading as dialectical facts in the U.S. Congress will surmount their illiteracy and malicious ignorance to not only stumble across the right questions but reach progressive answers and resolve the respective Political-Economic realities is an ailment that is truly a nemesis of the Human Condition.

Barack Obama and the Democratic Party's ascendancy have to evolve the political process qualitatively beyond digital adroitness and it's opportunistic exploitations. There has to be a return to Empirical Critique one which, as Barack Obama declared at Denver during his acceptance speech and I paraphrase, politics has to be efficiency oriented at the expense of ideology. This specifically means there must be correct and organic grasp and definition of money and value at the expense of the Historical Venetian Money Dynamic.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Republican-Conservatism,Sonia Sotomayor, Activist Jurisprudence and Status Quo Relativity

Republican-Conservatism, its reactionary thought and hypocrisy will hypocritically make much of Sonia Sotomayor, Barack Obama Supreme Court nominee's comment and commentary that policy is made at the Appellate level. The fact is she is correct. Policy in it's Judicial sense and context is made at the Appellate and Court of Appeals level.

Republican-Conservatism, it's reactionary thought and hypocrisy has for perpetual short term gain, in collusion with Corporate Media commandeered the lexicon diversion and intellectual Liberalization of the distortion, activist jurist and it's jurisprudence. For all practical purposes American Justice and it's jurisprudence is contextually activist.

The Sonia Sotomayor question presents in unambiguous relief the partial continuum of justice, jurisprudence and it's status quo relativity.

By Apropos

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, Tom Tancredo: Provocateurs for the Democratic Party's Reich-Like Supremacy

There has to be an explanation, a simple cogent one at that of Republican-Conservatism's self-immolation, implosion and concurrent destruction. Because how are we to without that "Emperor Has No Clothes" mortification, savor this one after another consecutive falling domino effect of the Republican Party miscuing it's ablated provincial anthems. It's sanctimonious talking points and it's provocateur actors: Newt Gingrich, Rush Limbaugh, Tom Tancredo, Dick Cheney apologetically ensuring the Democratic Party it's Reich-Like supremacy.

By Apropos

The Bush-Cheney Torture Schematic and Intellectual-Realism

The Bush-Cheney torture schematic and it's defense is comical. To let Dick Cheney articulate it, torture is for itself, in pursuit of it's own designs at the expense of why it's proponents advocated it.

If the Bush-Cheney torture schematic and it's mastermind Dick Cheney stood on intellectual-Realism: Why stop at Waterboarding? As Dick Cheney advances it in defense of the Homeland in light of the 3,ooo+ lives lost on 9-11; Waterboarding was the U.S. most prized secret weapon. How humiliating to be reduced to simulating drowning.

By Apropos

(Image Mt. Dew Monkey)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Deficit Spending, Republican-Conservatism and Reactionary Politics

California's voter refutation of the 2009 Tax initiative has nothing to do with Governmental intrusion and deficit spending. Instead it has everything to do with reactionary politics and the immature grasp of Political-Economy.

If Political-Economy and it's manner of progress is removed from the primitive-narcissism of power for the sake of power imperative and the human condition finally recognizes the money dialectic as measure of objective-value as antagonistic.

"What is Money", will practically resolve itself in the empirical realities of it's printing presses and the deficit spending fear mongering instinct of Republican-Conservatism reactionary politics will collapse on it's antithesis that generations in existence when the Sun Super Nova's will bear the burden of repaying the debt of deficit spending.

By Apropos
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