Sunday, September 6, 2009

Republican-Conservatism, Government and the American-Gothic Affection

If Republican-Conservatism supposes it's political-activity is the pro-active defense of Mans liberation from the constraints of government and it has correctly realized that to accomplish such requires Political-Economy it should then fall in lock-step with Revolutionary Marxism and the Socialist anticipation of the "withering away of the state" and it's Communist utopic realization.

If the only practical means of liberating Man from the constraints of government is the political-economic activity and if the government dynamic is the organized violence of status-quo consensus and if Republican-Conservatism contrary to it's American-Gothic affection is a peddler of the resentment-syndrome demagoguery. It should be treated as such and cast out from any construct of thought becoming the progress of the Human Condition.

By Apropos


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