Saturday, June 27, 2009

American Politics, Self-Evident Jeffersonian Truths and I Told You So

American Politics at it's Reactionary-Conservative core anticipates and even welcomes the terrific sort of deviancy in societal relations as a sort of self-flagellatory leverage. A systemic I Told You So's of human nature which then translates into the "Pursuit of Happiness" and it's antagonistic self-evident Jeffersonian truths. This then becomes the controlling and governing imperative of the social-contract and it's symbiotic tyrannies, the individual and masses.

Henry Fairlie, the acerbic Brit labored mightily to William Buckley's angst in positing that American Conservatism and the Republican Party with all respects was not worthy of analysis because it even lacked a cogent thesis of Political-Economy dialectic. The only dynamic left political opportunity and action of such a nature is that one-dimensional and time-worn narrowmindness of religiosity, moral-judgementalism and it's I Told You So's self-righteousness.

By Apropos


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