Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Sarah Palin, Barack Obama, What is a Correct Definition of Money Circulation and The Socialist Label

Sarah Palin and the desperate wing of the Republican Party which is to mean the entire Republican-Conservative cabal couples with the hypocrisy and criminal ignorance of Christian -Fundamentalism have gleefully labeled Barack Obama a Socialist.

A corollarial tangent of this argument is what is a correct definition of money circulation. Sarah Palin and the cabal of insidiousness have true to the instincts of illiteracy and it's ineptitude decided on characterizing Barack Obama's money circulatory dynamic as socialistic and deficit spending. With demagogic emphasis on deficit spending as negative.

The irony of this argument is Barack Obama's ascension to the U.S. Presidency and impact on Political-Economy has been the quintessential mega boost to Capitalism, Speculative-Value and the money circulation dynamic.

Beginning with the prodigious amount of money the Obama Presidential campaign raised and thereby infused into the local economies of the campaigns battlegrounds. To the entrepreneurial exploitation of the historical fact of his Presidency and opportunities it has presented Barack Obama has been everything but a Socialist and Socialistic to American Political-Economy.

By Apropos


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