Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hugo Chavez, Political Activity, United States, The Honduran Crisis, The Reactionary Dialectic and Henry Ford

Who and what is Hugo Chavez. So the United States and it's imperative (whatever that is) finds Hugo Chavez and his type of Political activity offensive. The obvious conclusion is if the United States, it's imperative and type of Political activity responded and refuted the Polemics and dialectics of Hugo Chavez and his Political activity and imperative, the Chavez circumstance would collapse upon the weight of it's specific and general contradictions.

Simply reducing the Honduran Presidential crisis and it's conditional-coup to the stale , old and tired Neo-Colonial paradigm and it's critique of Communist vs. Capitalist, Left vs. Right, Hugo Chavez as meddler. Lacks the idea of developmental progress and it's consequensential realization of Political-Economy in it's true sense.

The United States, it's imperative and Political activity has historically played a reactionary role in South America. Again the Honduran Coup and the Hugo Chavez dialectic is enabling a reconstitution of United States reaction and it's imperative, despite the fact, this time it is on the side of the legally elected Honduran President, Manuel Zelaya.

The reality for Honduras, The United States if simple: Poverty, Repression, Marginalization, it's dialectics, contradictions and antagonisms never occurs in a vacuum. True to the irrationality of the Human brain it historically requires extreme measures for the practicality of Henry Ford and his $5 maxim to grab the imagination of the petty-reactionary minds who have in their hands the reins of power.

By Apropos


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