Saturday, November 7, 2009

Michael Jackson, "This Is It", The New York Republican Rep. Pete King and Transnational Conglomerates

Michael Jackson "This Is It", a docureality, behind the scenes homage to what it means to capitalize and exploit opportunity has on 10/27/09; debut to rave and rare reviews from friends and foes alike.

Even that New York Republican Rep. Pete King who pompously and in true Republican fashion, found criticism, where none was relevant, over television coverage of Michael Jackson's death, may have hummed a tune or two of Michael Jackson's "they don't really care about us"---which is what Republicans are good at and quintessentially do, not caring about people.

Nonetheless the sensory experience of Michael Jackson in rehearsal in "This Is it', has transcended Republican hypocrisy and is the first wave of what is a deluge of exploitation from the crass and crude schemes of his father Joe Jackson to the veneered gambits of transnational conglomerates. Michael Jackson and his eternal artistry is a generating means of capital par excellence which even Republican misanthropy genuflects to.

By Apropos


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