Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Town Halls of 2009, Ignorance, Bigotry and Republican-Conservatism

Liberals, Progressives, Practical-Minded People, Empiricist, Dialectical-Materialist Theorist and Democrats have all in one form or the other expressed disdain and outrage at the ignorance and Intellectual-Liberalism expressed exhibited and on full display during these Town Halls of 2009 and the sessions of Open Political-Activity of the Health Care Reform struggle.

Its as if half of the nation awakened one morning to the stupefying spectacle of ruddy faced adults displaying the most base form of ignorance, that of illiteracy and bigotry. It's as if the classical period of Enlightenment and the Renaissance was hypothesis in a Liberal-Arts curriculum and an entire one-half of the American population never realized that something as facts exist and regardless of objective, Facts are Bias Neutral.

What is quite amusing about the spectacle of illiteracy on display at the Town-Halls of 2009 is how synonymous Republican-Conservatism has become with ignorance and bigotry. The task facing the nation and it's Progressive imperative is applying zero-tolerance for the sort of ignorance, Republican-Conservatism seems to instigate and revel in.

By Apropos


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