Friday, December 18, 2009

John McCain and His CNN Enabled Bizarre Parallel Presidency After his Loss Of The Actual Presidency

I nominate Rep. Joe Sestak (D) of Pennsylvania as a counter voice to the megalomaniac ravings, obscenely spewed by the Napoleonic complex affected John McCain.

John McCain is not a valid and progressive voice on military matters.  He wasn't even able to keep his hide out of  the clutches of the technologically inferior North Vietnamese.  His constant yammering condescending opinions on tactical gambits of the Obama Administration's military strategies is a selfish nuisance that is devoid of and as a matter of fact, a forfeiture of whatever margins it claims.

John McCain is a  mediocre intellect and his inability to excell without exploiting his Prisoner of War experience reinforces it.  He was a failure at Annapolis.  He erred gravely and was sanctioned by his Senate colleagues in a matter of influence peddling.  He failed at his Presidential runs.  He recklessly solicited and picked an unstable illiterate to be the President of the United States in case John McCain had won the Presidency and was subsequently incapacitated.

Notwithstanding all the above.  Corporate media and CNN enables his mediocrity by providing him with the platform to run a bizarre parallel Presidency after his loss of the legitimate actual Presidency.

By Apropos


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