Thursday, February 24, 2022

On Joe Manchin By William Thorpe

Joe Manchin, the retrograde Senator from West Virginia has based his obstructionism to the National Democratic Party, Build Back Better Plan on the idea that his West Virginia constituents don't want it.

Our response is in two parts: If Joe Manchin's West Virginia constituents don't want any part of the Build Back Better idea, then exclude West Virginia from the law.

Secondly Joe Manchin might primarily be a U.S. Senator representing the coal mining state of West Virginia but he does it under the banner, aspirations, plan and program of the Democratic Party of West Virginia which is a member of the National Democratic Party. As such he benefited from the resources and values of the National Democratic Party.

80  million plus voters, voted for the National Democratic Party's platform, in 2020 which included ideas for the Build Back Better program and Joe Biden was elected President of the United States because of it.

Joe Manchin is a beneficiary of the energy of the National Democratic Party, as such he has an obligation to supporting it's national priorities and to insist as he has that his West Virginia constituents who are no more than 2 plus million should have veto over the wishes, desires and wants of 80 million plus voters is beyond insanity.

By William Thorpe

Monday, February 7, 2022

The Alabama Status Quo Way of Life Has Specific and Primary Dynamic - That of Killing Venus Colley-Mims In All Her Faces, Colors, Gender and Age By William Thorpe

 Did the executives at the Alabama Mercedes plant know that in 2011; Venus Colley-Mims an Alabama native and citizen of Montgomery had found a lump in her breast and because she was one of the thousands of Alabamans and millions of Americans who are denied and deprived of medical and access to health care would two years later in 2013 die from stage 4 cancer?

Did any of the executives, business entrepreneurs, preachers, pastors, faith leaders, educators, football coaches, the media, and politicians of the Alabama status quo and its civilization know that a subject of their society, a black woman Venus Colley-Mims was in dire need of health care         that it took the stench of her rotting breast to attract the attention of an ER doctor, at of all places Momtgomery's Baptist Health Center which had been complicit in the generation of her cancer for a tragic and late referral for the diagnosis of her stage 4 cancer?

No they didn't and their ignorance isn't indictment. But the question the death of Venus Colly-Mims ask and what its formulations reveals is their culpability.

God, as preached by the countless churches lettering the Alabama landscape, contrary to their preaching didn't kill Venus Colley-Mims in all her faces, colors, gender and age anymore than has God rewarded those Alabamians privileged with access to medical and health care. What however killed Venus Colley -Mims is a type of ahumanisitic and misanthropic suppositions held by Alabama's status quo that is against and anti-expanding Medicaid and its life-saving benefit.

Venus Colley-Mims might be dead but our polemics against those barbaric, savage, and cruel purveyors of those ahumanistic and misanthropic suppositions that murdered her declares that it wasn't in vain. Just as we are expected to make of the instruction, that the blood of  Abel cries out in indictment of Cain every time we are confronted with its historicity. Such is our polemic against Alabama and it's well fed status quo. That the measure of its humaness isn't in how it kills and murders it's Abel's but we know it does it and no amount of shiny Mercedes plants will conceal the fact and barbarity of its status quo.

By William Thorpe

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