Sunday, November 15, 2009

Newsweek The Magazine, Mark Sanford, The Governor of South Carolina on Ayn Rand and Republican-Conservatism and it's Intellectual-Liberalism

Is this tongue in cheek and somewhere in the drapered offices of Newsweek The Magazine, cynical laughter rings? Because having Mark Sanford, the Governor of South Carolina, a Republican, Adulterous-Hypocrite use infantile idealism and it's schizoid hypocrisy of an Ayn Rand and her irrelevant mediocrity as juxtaposed commentary on his real life moral turpitude and malfeasance has to be a tedious joke that teeters on a sort of Intellectual-Liberalism that hints at sophomoric impetuosity. One of those calculations that utterly fails at delivering whatever redemption it's impetus might have hinted at.

Mark Sanford the pathetic wrench and Governor of South Carolina has made this pitiful attempt at classic allegory with his "Atlas Hugged" essay in the 11/2/09; Newsweek Magazine. A Play on the title of that other pitiful classic allegory "Atlas Shrugged" by the ridiculous Ayn Rand (an author who laughably introduced the notion of captains of industry doing on strike! To the human socialization thesis, as if the Capitalist antagonism and it's exploitive medium has any grasp of equity).

Under the guise of advancing analysis of Governmental spending under the anti-deficit opportunistic critique. Mark Sanford labors ridiculously to solicit the sympathetic ear of his Republican-Conservative contemporaries who naively also share his orgasmic awakening to the romantic Fancy's of Ayn Rand and her pent up resentment at Soviet-Marxist practice. As he faces and contends with the consequences of his adulterous idiocy with his Argentinian Lolita. An exhibition of such stupendous error in judgement which his impotent critique of Ayn Rand's world view as lacking in "grace, love, faith and any form of social compact does nothing to mitigate and is only a transparent and feeble plea for understanding.

Mark Sanford's essay does affirm one supposition which is Republican-Conservatism thought and it's practice is a psychosis and insane calculus which the simple "man isn't perfect" mantra littered through out the essay is as demented as Mark Sanford, the Governor of South Carolina flying off to Argentina, thousands of miles away from sworn, duty, honor, loyalty responsibilities to the people of South Carolina and the Fidelity Vow he gave his Wife when they married.

In response to Mark Sanford, Republican-Conservatism and it's Intellectual-Liberalism: Government cannot be at odds with the people isn't it, "By the People"? And empirically Mans Liberty is always relative.

By Apropos


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