Tuesday, July 7, 2009

History It's Repeating ARC, Lebanon, The Iraq War and Ronald Reagan

What will the narrative be. When American forces reposed on their Iraqi bases experience history and it's repeating ARC, as their Marine comrades and brethren during Ronald Reagan's Lebanon adventurism intended as Political-contrast of Republican robustness with the impotence of the preceding Democratic Carter.

Will there be sanctimonious howls of rage and synthetic grief when those sitting duck G.I.'s on their Iraqi bases suffer a blow equal to the truck bombing of the Marine base at Lebanon?

Will there be the irrelevantly typical and idealistic Polemic against Democrats and their mythical National Security Deficit from a Republican Party that hasn't won any meaningful Military undertaking contrary to it's farcial bellicosity since Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War?

Iraq once again is revealing how robustly naive is the legacy of Ronald Reagan.

By Apropos


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