Sunday, November 1, 2009

Missouri,Catfish, Noodling and Anti-Establishment Folklore

What about Missouri Catfish that gnaws at the ham fist of a certain type of Man and Woman. To want to just thrust hands in muddy waters, grabbing at the sinewy, slippery, wiggling Catfish beast---and with a feeling of accomplishment that is rooted in the slimy primordial swamp of that fist human hand slicing through brackish waters, hoists out of the muddy Missouri waters the 52lb---100lb behemoths that have wiggled their way into the colloquial lexicon as Noodling, unlike the proverbial "one that got away" fish tales!
Noodling is Illegal in 31 states. Including it's Capital the Great State Of Missouri with it's "Show Me" provencialism. Still it thrives. Just as anti-establishment folklore, it is the existential measure a tangent of cultural narrative that defines in stark relief the nuanced irrelevance of status quo prohibition as an idealistic medium of exerting control over a certain strata of it's society.
By Apropos


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