Showing posts with label Diversion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diversion. Show all posts

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Republican-Conservatism Right-Wing Fascism and Democratic-Liberal Leftist-Progressive Thought

In a world of ideas where the alienative and competitive extremes are between Republican-Conservatism Right-Wing Fascism and Democratic-Liberal Leftist-Progressive thought.  One has to be a cynic and misanthrope of the worst type to accept the proposition that given this choice, the American people will side with the Intellectual-Liberalism and misery loves company dialectic of Republican-Conservatism Right-Wing Fascism.

Yet the not so strange fact, considering the American people are just that people, is, the American people have when presented with this choice picked the reaction and Intellectual-Liberalism of Republican-Conservatism Right-Wing Fascism and it's misery loves company dialectic historically at the expense of the industriousness and redemption of Democratic-Liberal Leftist-Progressive thought.

By Apropos

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Book Conventional Idiocy by Rick Sanchez of CNN Rick's List, President Bill Clinton and Cowardice

The book Conventional Idiocy, is the effrontery of a disseminator of the news, a medium for information and platform for the education of the electorate, protesting the substance and Intellectual-Liberalism of the nations public discourse when the author CNN's Rick Sanchez is in the position to correct what he criticizes in his book Conventional Idiocy.

Rick Sanchez, the successful anchor of CNN Rick's List.  Has written a book Conventional Idiocy.  Discussing the State of the Nations Political-Economy.  Rick Sanchez's polemic exposes him to extreme criticism, not because his polemic is incorrect and idealistic, but because Rick Sanchez is part of the problem which he analyses in his book Conventional Idiocy.

Rick Sanchez and  his critique is part of a greater problem of which President Bill Clinton, with his Clinton Global Initiative is also an enabler.  In Bill Clinton's case, he was the President of the United States.  He had the bully pulpit during his Presidency to polemicize on that which his purported advocacy Global Initiative now tackles.

The twisted logic which Rick Sanchez and Bill Clinton are practitioners is that old bane of the Human Condition: cowardice.  It is Cowardice when in his role as Anchor for CNN Rick's List, Rick Sanchez is unable to call out the specific and generalized hypocrisy of those whom he interviews on the fundamental locus of the nations Political-Economy.

Instead after years of enabling the propagation of the suppositions and myths, evidence of the nations Intellectual-Liberalism Rick Sanchez  writes a book Conventional Idiocy decrying the nations Intellectual-Liberalism

It is cowardice when Rick Sanchez and President Bill Clinton present themselves as being able to tackle ignorance and idealism as private individuals removed from the authority of their profession and expect a fair appreciation from history.  Despite their cowardice and the Book Conventional Idiocy is it's fact.

By Apropos

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Republican-Conservatism and it's Tea Partyism cousins are Both Sides of the Same Rusty Coin

People ought to understand, when Republican-Conservatism decrys Wall St. Regulation, Finance Reform of 2010 and the Tea Party chants for freedom and less-government.  What both Republican-Conservatism/Tea Partyism are saying is :
  • The Outsourcing of jobs is not a big deal.
  • The catastrophic BP Gulf Oil Spill is not a big deal
  • E Coli and Salmonella in the food supply are not a big deal
  • Mechanical failure in Toyota's causing death are not a big deal
  • Tainted drugs, like Johnson and Johnson product recalls are not a big deal
  • That the Credit Default Swap speculation and the destruction of the housing market and its Subprime Rate are not a big deal
Republican-Conservatism and it's Tea Partyism cousins are both sides of the same rusty coin, peddling that tired Robber Baron imperative and logic continuum of government should only focus on pogromizing petty blue-collar criminality and refrain from impeding the lawlessness and vampirism of speculation, it's Political-Economy and white-collar criminality.

By Apropos

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

CNN's David Gergen's criticism of Barack Obama's Oval Office Speech and the United States Military

CNN's David Gergen's criticism of Barack Obama's 6/15/10; Oval Office speech to the nation on the BP Gulf Oil Crisis and the need for comprehensive energy policy hints at his approaching senility.

Noting the martial metaphors within Barack Obama's speech CNN's David Gergen fumigated, like a blow fish puffing it's asphyxiation under the master chefs knife and I paraphrase: He (David Gergen) is glad the United States Military does not go to war like that.  With the implication that Barack Obama's oval office speech lacked battle orders and specifics and the United States Military wages war with strategy and specified tactics.

Now this is a clear example of amnesiac revision.  CNN's David Gergen has conveniently and expediently revised George W. Bush's Iraq War, which was waged without strategy nor, tactics with it's only clarity being a boon for Haliburton, Black Water and the other denizens of the military-industrial imperative.

Need I mention another flaing United States Military disorganization, The Vietnam War?

By Apropos

Sunday, April 25, 2010

11 yr. old Marcellus Owens, Rush Limbaugh, Black Women and the Health Care System

Where was the Black Community and it's Intelligentsia-Defenders when 11yr.old Marcellus was being attacked by the Republican-Conservatism cabal of Rush Limbaugh and Co.
Marcellus Owens an 11 yr. old Black boy was thrust into the National Political fray, during the mighty Health Care Reform struggle, because he had the audacity to dare pay tribute to his mothers death with his original critique of the Health Care System that allowed his mother to die.

Where were all those quick to criticize speculative-morality Black Women who should have been up in arms. That a cabal of well fed "Men" who are literally at odds with the idea and objective-progress of the Black American Experience had the historically despicable temerity to intellectually and emotionally attack an 11 yr. old child, because the child, Marcellus Owens dare understand the injustices of the nations Health Care System and it's practice to speak out against it.

By Apropos

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Tea Party Naivete, Social Security and Anarchic-Idealism

On the 3/29/10; Larry King on CNN, a couple of  the Tea Party leadership were allowed to spout their naivete, illiteracy and bigotry which concurrently became an educable moment to the rest of the nation.

On the question of Social Security one of the Tea Party activist repeated that old Ronald Reagan propagandist lie, that Social Security is insolvent.  Applying the disingenuous argument that there isn't any "cash" in the Social Security account.  With the implication that macro-scale, governmental monetary activities are interchangeable and scale comparable with micro-scale, individual-private bank accounts.

My point is: If the lattice and structural base upon which the nations Political-Economy stands is least understood by it's critics and detractors and even when an attempt is made to grasp it's mystery, naivete and pat assumptions are substitutes for it's cognition.  Why should Tea Party critique on all fronts resonate beyond the crass, infantile, anarchic-idealism it is?

By Apropos

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Republican-Conservatism, Virginia's Bob McDonnell's $700 Million Education Budget Cut and Yes Your Kids are Expendable

Besides all the sorts of "I told you so" I can and should smirkingly deliver to the Virginian idiots who like Sisyphus never seem to understand that the Republican-conservative brand and it's idea of Human Political-Economy is status quoism and this 2009 November past voted for the sprayed, stiffened hair of Bob McDonnell, the tax cuts and less government gambit of Republican-Conservatism.

Stop whining that the glossy faced, spray stiffened hair of the Republican Bob McDonnell who you Lemming-like voted for is doing exactly what his reactionary, Republican-ideology demands and requires of him.

Yes Bob McDonnell is cutting $700 million from public education because your kids are expendable in the Republican-Conservative model of Political-Economy and it's practice.

Yes Bob McDonnell is instead allocating fund to reopen highway rest areas.  so your uneducated and functionally illiterate kids because of Bob McDonnell's budget cuts,will now waylay and as highway desperado's commit all sorts of felonious activities on unsuspecting tourist and rest area users.  Which will then in turn affirm that other theology of Republican-Conservatism,  law and order.  When your shellacked and stupefied kids are imprisoned and pogromized in the Old Dominion's gulag of concertina razor and electrified fences.

You love the siren-like woo of tax cuts and less government.  So live with the reality that to Republican-Conservatism, if government is off, for and by the people then the less government logic and it's consequence is always pointedly clear.  Less government simply means less People. Less people with a stake, an interest, less people to compete with, less people needing the basic tools to function stabily in that Reaganesque mocked and tarnished "shining city on a hill".  So is it then difficult to understand and inconceivable to see why the Republican-Conservative Governor of Virginia Bob McDonnell would and will propose and suggest slashing $700 million from the education budget?

Your kids in his eyes are expendable.  Less of them are necessary to realize the status quoistic objectives of Republican-Conservatism status quoism.  So Virginia's fifth column of idiots who at every turn and march of progress can be counted upon to undermine it.  Voted for the Republican Bob McDonnell in the November 2009 gubernatorial elections so their dimwitted elitist aspirations will at it's expense bespeak of the Adamic Curse:  From the Sweat of Thy Brow.

By Apropos

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Oman O' Man The Musical, The Naivete of Debbie Allen and U.S. and Arab-Islamic Relations

The renowned choreographer Debbie Allen with the production of Oman O' Man, a musical intended to bridge U.S. and Arab-Islamic relations.  Has brought into the false premise of U.S. and Arab-Islamic relations.  Because the dynamic behind the relations is not ignorance of the Arab-Islamic world by the American people, which specifically means the U.S. government.

But the corporate media fueled ignorance is a deliberate calculus by certain imperatives and aspects of U.S. Political-Economy.  Because it conveniently serves their interest and the naivete of another sheep-eyed intelligentsia toiling under the arrogant premise that all it takes to bridge the fraudulently artificial divide of U.S. and Arab--Islamic relations is another musical a la' the privileged abandoning the Urban-Pop culture field to the exploited and marginalized with Oman O' Man it's expression is merely another historical diversionary tool.
By Apropos

Saturday, January 9, 2010

CNN's Dana Bash, A Shill for Congressional Republicans

If CNN's Dana Bash wasn't such a trite, amateurish shrill for Congressional Republicans and their idea of open political-practice.  We would see her exposing the sore loser tactics of Senate Republicans playing out thier opposition to Health Care reform as it makes and winds it's way through the ritualistic arcania of Senate idiosyncracies and pomposity.

Instead we see Dana Bash parroting Republican critique and opposition to Health Care reform, ignoring and at the expense of the crude, crass fact that Republican critique is only Partisan, based on decrepit logic and hypocritical motives.

If CNN's Dana Bash isn't a mere polemicist her reports on congressional issues should be center of gravity specific on the relevant dynamics of the issues and merely parroting Republican Partisan critique has never been center of gravity specific.

By Apropos

Monday, December 21, 2009

Corporate Media, Accountability and Hubris

Who takes Corporate Media to task on it's shortcomings?  Who denigrates and sanctimoniously castigates Corporate Media?

Who holds Corporate Media accountable when it is revealed as it happened during the lead up to the Iraq War that Corporate Media was shamelessly in bed with the Bush Administration.  Actively being a fifth column for a world view that is as decadent, flawed as the self-centeredness of hubris.

By Apropos

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Iran Nuclear Program, The Obama Presidency and Agent Provocateurs

If there isn't a cabal that is conspiratorially-molelike, laboring , undermining whatever potential might exist for a form of resolution to the Iran Nuclear Program by the Obama Presidency that will allow Iran to enter the Nuclear Club, there should be. Because since commencement of the Obama Presidency and the realization by Israel, it's sympathizers, Zionism and it's cabal that the Obama Presidency would allow Iran membership into the Nuclear Club. The world has been introduced to all sorts of ploys, gimmicks and gambits wielded by those opposing Iran's possession of Nuclear technology with their efforts at sabotaging Iranian institutions, infrastructure, stirring and supporting Political instability in Iran. Everything is being done to muddy the waters, so to speak, discrediting any means and opportunity available to the Obama Presidency on the Iran Nuclear program.

This latest episode of Three Semitic-Americans arrested in Iran for violating it's borders is interestingly-Bizarre. Are we to accept that there are supposedly reasonably minded Americans who are down right stupid and reckless enough to place themselves on the Iranian border?

The only logical conclusion is the three Semitic-Americans are Agent Provocateurs destined by their arrest to create an International incident that will further discredit maneuvering by the Obama Presidency on the Iran Nuclear Program question.

If the ploy is bizarre it only reveals the desperation of the cabal that instigated it.

By Apropos

Sunday, July 12, 2009

CNN, Iranian Election, Israel and Covert Activities

Listening to the British Spy David Miliband on CNN's GPS with Fareed Zakaria,
go through structured disinformation attempting to stem the Iranian Government's narrative that the recent Election protest on Tehran's streets are results of British Intelligence and Zionist machinations was humorous. For one the British and Zionist are squirming because if the protest reflects a unity of perspective in Iran then the Ayatollahs have no ears for their narrative to fall on.

If the Election was stolen as CNN and the multitudes rioting in Tehran speak with their coverage and actions, even to the theatrics of the U.S. President Barack Obama expressing "outrage" at the level of response from the Iranian Government which is not even comparable to the wanton Israeli destruction upon hapless Palestinians to which by the way none of the imposter's on the global stage express outrage at. Then the breech in Iranian Political civility with the election protest, is the necessary activity that sweeps away the Iranian theocratic apparatus and it's status quo.

To the contrary events in Iran are anything but clear. Were the protest indigenous and organic as it's well-fed sympathizers and supporters ensconced in their Twittering criminal naivete at the machinations unfolding on their high definition screens with the classically duped face of CNN's Christiane Amanpour reporting are made to believe. There would not be the need for the intense sorts of denials from U.S. and British Intelligence complicit with the dare not say anything Israel Mossad.

What is obvious is Israel, desperate to stem the inevitability of it's historicity along with the fifth column activities of disgruntled and gullible Urban Iranians has under the guise of election fraud engaged in covert activities and sabotage against Iranian military and Nuclear facilities in preparation for overt attacks on Iran's Nuclear program.

By Apropos

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Republican-Conservatism,Sonia Sotomayor, Activist Jurisprudence and Status Quo Relativity

Republican-Conservatism, its reactionary thought and hypocrisy will hypocritically make much of Sonia Sotomayor, Barack Obama Supreme Court nominee's comment and commentary that policy is made at the Appellate level. The fact is she is correct. Policy in it's Judicial sense and context is made at the Appellate and Court of Appeals level.

Republican-Conservatism, it's reactionary thought and hypocrisy has for perpetual short term gain, in collusion with Corporate Media commandeered the lexicon diversion and intellectual Liberalization of the distortion, activist jurist and it's jurisprudence. For all practical purposes American Justice and it's jurisprudence is contextually activist.

The Sonia Sotomayor question presents in unambiguous relief the partial continuum of justice, jurisprudence and it's status quo relativity.

By Apropos

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Israel-Palestinian Question, Iran's Nuclear Ambition and Reactionary-Arab Status Quo Dictatorship

This purportedly novel Barack Obama engagement with Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu over the Israel-Palestinian question and Iran's nuclear ambitions is an affront and insult.

If the Israel-Palestinian question is that of peace, security and prosperity then the imperative has always rested solely with Israel. If the Israel-Palestinian question is specifically about Zionist-Jewry securing it's historical land seizure of the Palestinian people than the conclusion is a stark irreconcilable antagonistic fact. Either Zionism revises it's position, because it is inevitably untenable.

Banking and placing hopes of Israel's security on the Reactionary-Arab status quo dictatorship only allows and enables a perpetuity of the varied incarnations of Islamic-Radicalism and that ensures the Israeli-Zionist Jew in occupied-Palestine a Darwinian hybridization of frazzled nerves till the Mature logical conclusion of Zionist injustice.

Diverting focus from Zionist injustice with Iran's nuclear ambition that it is a shared security concern with the Reactionary-Arab status quo dictatorship is an amateurish farce unworthy of polemical labor.

By Apropos

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Dana Bash, Rick Sanchez, Trojan-Horses, Nancy Pelosi and the Bush Cheney Torture Schematic

Come on Dana Bash, Rick Sanchez of CNN are you Trojan-Horses for the Republican-Conservatism? Because making issues of Nancy Pelosi's double talk on what she knew as ranking Democrat concerning the Bush-Cheney torture schematic only infers perjury. Bashing Nancy Pelosi is diversion from the irrefutable fact that the United States during the Bush-Cheney government has been exposed as a torture nation, another pathetic practioner of getting people to scream, piss and defecate on theirself. All in the employ of the "Pursuit of Happiness".

Torture has a historic face. Trojan-Horse diversions are historic and we are expected to accept that the C.I.A. is telling the truth and Nancy Pelosi is lying? Is the C.I.A. squeamish about lying to the U.S. Congress? When it had no qualms lying about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction?

By Apropos

Friday, May 15, 2009

Instability, Ritualistic-Pageantry and New World Totems

This cacophony of noise, babel of violence and it's instability shrilling out of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan seems to be designed specifically in defense of a narrative stuck in a paternalistic insidious loop of it's sphere of influence proponents.

After the ritualistic-pageantry of the Berlin Wall broken up by hammer-weilding jacks, chalatan Jacobins. Which was comically recreated and reenacted during the fall of Baghdad. Did both theaters have the same station master? Certain powerful voices in the U.S. Congress lent their voice to second-guessing the relevance of the Central Intelligence Agency in a Cold-
War world melting into a idealistic puddle of the old spy master Bush snr's. "New World order".

Soon after the relevancy of a black budget for the C.I.A. in a Cold-War less world was questioned. Ammonium Nitrate as weapon of choice by Blind Straw-men, targeting New World Totems in New York emerged and it's continuum has conveniently been the diversionary imperative of the asymmetrical war misnomer defending it's instability narrative.

By Apropos

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Enablers of Speculation and American Capitalism

The effeminate, taps on the wrist, the enablers of speculation, specifically Moody's, Standard and Poor and Fitch have received by their peers in response to their role in the nations political-economy mess. Is again indicative of the reactionary motive of thesis, polemics and socio-utility that consistently plagues the laborious process of the human condition and progress.

If there is to be accountability and efficiency it must start with each and every aspect of American Capitalism deconstructed and restructed upon the final resolution to the question "What is Money" and it's realization. A Construct that will sweep away the market place fraud and it's sham boom and bust abstraction.

By Apropos

Friday, March 6, 2009

Rush Limbaugh, Benito Mussolini, Fascism and the Heil Fuhrer Anticipation

Watching Rush Limbaugh in his Black Fascsita knock off, bounding up and down, clicking his heels at the podium of the 2/28/09; CPAC Republican-Conservative Bacchanalian spectacle, with his comical attempt at revising and modifying the Third Reich salute.

The historical similarities to another Black-Fascista uniform wearing, heel clicking, rocking and bouncing idiot comes to mind.

Benito Mussolini, the Italian Fascist who Rush Limbaugh the demagogue seemed to channel was another pathetic demagogue. But at least he had the Italian people and their general bigotry as motive, as he jack-boot strutted across their conscience.

What Rush Limbaugh also has is the futile bigotry of the Republican-Conservative resentment syndrome, as he matures his modified Third Reich Republican salute to its Heil Fuhrer anticipation.

By Apropos

Saturday, February 21, 2009

"What a Farce"

Arlene Specter, Olympia Snow and Susan Collins, Republican Senators from Northern States, Pennsylvania, and Maine respectively. Voted with Senate Democrats against the wishes of their Senate Republican colleagues to pass the $789 Billion Economic Stimulus Package. Their vote however has been farcially described as a Bi-Partisanship undertaking. The truth however is their vote is for their Political survival.

In the Barack Obama Political milieu Northern Republicans are a threshold anomaly signing away to extinction. Bi-Partisan imperative? "What a Farce".

By Apropos

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Bernard Madoff, The Ponzi Spin and Money Laundering

The naive are buying this Ponzi scheme spin on the Bernard Madoff swindle.

Isn't money laundering a more credible explanation? The public is being asked to accept that Bernard Madoff ran a decades long Ponzi-Pyramid scheme analog type scam which has resulted in the $50 Billion swindle of all sorts of investors.

It is just incredibly far fetched that the short term scope of the Ponzi type scheme could sustain the long lasting structure necessary to swindle $50 Billion from investors with varied imperatives.

What is realistic is Bernard Madoff was operating a money laundering scheme, rehabilitating capital and enabling its viability at a certain strata of society.

This Bernard Madoff Ponzi spin is a diversion.

By Apropos
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