Sunday, August 23, 2009

Republican-Conservatism: It's Anti-Big Government Spending Polemics and Nancy Pelosi

Republican-Conservatism and it's pathological practice of disinformation and demagoguery never shys away from exploiting it's tried and proven weapon: it's historical anti-big Government spending polemic. The irony is it historically supports the type of Governmental spending that necessitates and inflates the printing of money, that of the military-industrial symbiosis and it's exploitation.

The continued success of the anti-big Government spending and it's deficit money polemic is simple: the masses of the human condition and it's American Political-Economy variant are amazingly ignorant to the application of speculative-value and it's Venetian money dynamic.

So arguments like the nation is in debt and the Chinese will stop loaning money, suffice to brow beat ignorance into the middle-class and the working poor that their insufferable lot is due to Nancy Pelosi and her "San Francisco" Big Government spending ways while omitting the fact, that "San Francisco" Liberals and their Progressive values liberates the nations creativity and technological ingenuity, providing the necessary jobs for the middle-class, the working poor and their Reagan Democrats gullible receptiveness to Conservative Polemics and it's reaction.

By Apropos


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