Friday, July 17, 2009

Walter Williams, Colonialism and the Black Apologist Dynamic

Walter Williams, Professor of Economics wrote:

"I'll never make an argument for Colonialism but the fact of business is that the average African was better off under Colonialism..."

I have a problem with it and find it extremely irresponsible and criminal that such utter nonsense is spouted under the guise of responsible scholarship.

The fact is the imperialistic designs and Colonial intentions of the Portuguese, Dutch, British, French, Belgian and Italian Colonizers and the conferees of the Berlin Conference , retarded and voided the very essence of the Colonized Africans. Not only are conclusions as Walter Williams derisive of self-determination, but are the death rattle gasp of the Racist paternalist and in this instance Apologist collaborator-lackey.

Prior to the European Colonization of Africa, were the Africans in social and political disarray? Were not the Africans in most parts able to put protracted and in some instances successful resistance and the logistics and psychological effort it demanded a reflection of the well structured polity it represented? Post independent, have the Neo-Colonialist, former Colonies been allowed to chart their own destiny, without meddling from one or all of their former Colonial masters under the Geo-Political logic of "spheres of influence".

Much is always said of how the European Colonizers of Africa, developed comprehensively the infrastructure and organized the Political Economical structures of their respective Colonies and as such matters always are, it's either an outright lie or a well maintained myth.

European Colonizers didn't Colonize Africa because of benevolent intent. Their first order of Business was first and foremost , plunder and exploit. Consequently any and all organizing and infrastructural development was simply that which would facilitate and expedite their business of plunder and looting. Everything and all within the Colonies was organized and structured to maximize the pillage of resources. Naturally the Colonizers had to rigorously and vigorously destroy any and all forms of opposition, which in principle was any conflicting ideas and intentions against their plunder imperative.

This is the back drop in true form to lackey analysis. Walter Williams writes:

"The legacy of Colonialism, used so often as an excuse by Africans is a sham that can't hold waste. After all some of the worlds richest countries like the U.S. Canada, Australia, and N. Zealand ---were Colonies as was Hong Kong, whats true about those ex-Colonies that's untrue about Africa?

Williams as Professor of Economics should answer his own question. I find it profoundly pathetic at the lengths Black collaborator-lackey and Apologist for Colonialism and it's "White Mans burden" dialectic go to in defense of Euro-centric logic. Professor Walter Williams is no different than those historical Wheatley's who pathetically celebrated their enslavement as enlightenment.

Irrespective of Barack Obama's 7/11/09; speech to Ghana's Parliament and it's admonishment. Africans Political-Economy cannot be analysed absent the stench of it's history.

By Apropos


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