Friday, August 23, 2024
Monday, July 15, 2024
Friday, June 2, 2023
The White-Evangelical Ethno Nationalist "States Right" To In Dicta Define The Woman Pre-Menopausal Life By William Thorpe
WhereAs pregnancy is the primary purpose of Womans function.
WhereAs Woman has no right to abort the pregnancy.
WhereAs such abortion limitation on the Woman fundamentally distinguishes the Womans life.
WhereAs chattel enslavement of black people, the "state right" to in dicta define the Woman pre-menopausal life as the white-evangelical ethno nationalist apogee in securing Womans pregnancy, purpose and function.
Reacquaint Yourself With the Social-Contract
Awright Women to all of you acting like six stooges on the Supreme Court of the United States haven't declared you outside of history, I know you're reeling but do you have a faint recollection of a much touted and worshipped declaration, something to the effect of "life", liberty and the pursuit of happiness"? Anyway I get it your own sisterhood betrayed you, denied your agency So here is the inexorable and inevitable logic of Dobbs v. Jackson Womens Health Organization 142 S. ct. 2228. What you can/can't eat, can/can't wear, can/can't drink under dicta rubric that you're in your ovulating cycle.
Now let me say this, I know you've heard of CRISPR, the gene scissors. Well on the horizon is the potential to generate eggs and sperm from one individual. Secondly mechanical-womb incubators are already present and surrogacy is mundane as financial enterprise. So considering white-evangelicals and their Roman Catholic enablers are all about pregnancies, the only practical polemic is tell them to avail themselves of emerging bio-technology.
By William Thorpe
Friday, October 14, 2022
The White-Evangelical Position On Their Christianity Is Simple Silliness or It's An Insidious Perpetual Get Out Of Jail Disclaimer By William Thorpe
- What we should find within the white-evangelical community,
- What we should find as the white-evangelical existence,
- What we should experience within the white-evangelical speech,
Saturday, August 20, 2022
What Is States Rights, Be Wary
Monday, August 15, 2022
Friday, July 8, 2022
Tuesday, May 31, 2022
Even Death Is Politicized By William Thorpe
Is a death under a Socialist political-economy with a Communist Party anymore a death than that under a Capitalist and Statist political-economy?
Human beings are dying senselessly, unjustly, unreasonably regardless of political-economy and political structure.
Is the death of the Cuban due to economic embargo by the United States anymore a death than that of a Black American born in the racist states of Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia and Wisconsin.
How about this: Egyptians are murdered, killed so Europeans living in Israel can sunbathe and contract Melanoma which is all based on their religious claims. While religious claims of Native Americans who have been largely exterminated are ignored.
The drowned and bloated bodies of black men, women and children fill the Mediterranean in their separation to escape the slavery and colonialism continuum the European lands they are escaping to wrought on them.
By William Thorpe
Monday, May 23, 2022
The Mom and Pops Local Store and the Prison Librarian by William Thorpe
The argument that we owe some sort of allegiance to the mom and pops local store which is being destroyed by Amazon's voracity is like the prison librarian who never cared about prisoners, who even hated them, but as soon as she got wind that due to downsizing her position was on the chopping block, about to be axed.
So we see her on the local news being a proponent of the reformative impact books are in prison A advocacy she once upon a time mocked as coddling prisoners.
Likewise the mom and pops local store that never cared about its inner-city customers as a matter of fact had disdain for the inner city and consistently voted for republican politicians who exploited the mom and pops local store owners' disdain for the inner city only to make it easy for the Amazon invader to crush the mom and pops local store And it's to the inner city customer they cry "we have value"
By William Thorpe
Tuesday, May 17, 2022
Crocodile Tears and Selective Sympathies by William Thorpe
We cry for the Ukrainian women and child escaping conflict. While we dry our eyes ignoring the African, Latin American, non-white woman and child also escaping even more heinous terror and conflict.
I heard of a church in Lexington, Kentucky claiming fellowship with Ukrainians while I don't recall that same church shedding a tear or lighting a candle for the Yemeni woman and her child Hell I don't recall that same church calling biblical wrath on the police murders of Breonaa Taylor, which happened in their own back yard.
Our selective sympathies ignore the Palestinian woman and her child, the Congolese woman and her child, the South Sudan woman and her child, the Venezuelan woman and her child, the Cuban woman and her child, the Iranian woman and her child, the Syrian woman and her child, the North Korean woman and her child, the Mozambique woman and her child the Somali woman and her child, the Black American woman and her child, the rural and poor White American and her child.
Who and what is the Ukrainian woman and child that brings forth and induces crocodile tears and elective sympathies?
By William Thorpe
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
What An Ask By William Thorpe
What is the beatdown, savaged, brutalized, dehumanized psyche of The global under-privileged
asked to do?
Present themselves clothed in their abject deprivations with each according to their injustices, squat their mocked haunches, scoop separating Ukrainian tears from the mighty river - torrent of their tears and worship it.
Value it.
As measure of purpose. Of their, the under-privileged existence.
What an ask.
By William Thorpe
Monday, February 7, 2022
The Alabama Status Quo Way of Life Has Specific and Primary Dynamic - That of Killing Venus Colley-Mims In All Her Faces, Colors, Gender and Age By William Thorpe
Did the executives at the Alabama Mercedes plant know that in 2011; Venus Colley-Mims an Alabama native and citizen of Montgomery had found a lump in her breast and because she was one of the thousands of Alabamans and millions of Americans who are denied and deprived of medical and access to health care would two years later in 2013 die from stage 4 cancer?
Did any of the executives, business entrepreneurs, preachers, pastors, faith leaders, educators, football coaches, the media, and politicians of the Alabama status quo and its civilization know that a subject of their society, a black woman Venus Colley-Mims was in dire need of health care that it took the stench of her rotting breast to attract the attention of an ER doctor, at of all places Momtgomery's Baptist Health Center which had been complicit in the generation of her cancer for a tragic and late referral for the diagnosis of her stage 4 cancer?
No they didn't and their ignorance isn't indictment. But the question the death of Venus Colly-Mims ask and what its formulations reveals is their culpability.
God, as preached by the countless churches lettering the Alabama landscape, contrary to their preaching didn't kill Venus Colley-Mims in all her faces, colors, gender and age anymore than has God rewarded those Alabamians privileged with access to medical and health care. What however killed Venus Colley -Mims is a type of ahumanisitic and misanthropic suppositions held by Alabama's status quo that is against and anti-expanding Medicaid and its life-saving benefit.
Venus Colley-Mims might be dead but our polemics against those barbaric, savage, and cruel purveyors of those ahumanistic and misanthropic suppositions that murdered her declares that it wasn't in vain. Just as we are expected to make of the instruction, that the blood of Abel cries out in indictment of Cain every time we are confronted with its historicity. Such is our polemic against Alabama and it's well fed status quo. That the measure of its humaness isn't in how it kills and murders it's Abel's but we know it does it and no amount of shiny Mercedes plants will conceal the fact and barbarity of its status quo.
By William Thorpe
Sunday, May 2, 2021
Sunday, February 21, 2021
The World We Kill: American Policy, Directly or Indirectly We Have Killed Those Of by William Thorpe
Monday, December 21, 2020
The U.S. Constitution Is Silent On Abortion Viz Health By William Thorpe
The Idiot Justice Clarence Thomas with the Typical forked tongue conservatism and it's Republican intellectual-liberalism claimed that the U.S. Constitution is silent on abortion viz health.
[The Constitution of the United States of America]
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." [My emphasis]
Article I Section 8;
"The Congress shall have power to.....Provide for the.....General Welfare of the United States....."
Black's Law Dictionary Defines;
General Welfare: The publics health, peace, morals, and safety.
Public Health:
(1) The health of the community at large
(2) The healthful of the sanitary condition of the general body of people or the community en masse; esp. the methods of maintaining the health of the community, as by preventative medicine and organized care for the sick.
(1) The state of being sound or whole in body, mind, or soul
(2) Freedom from pain or sickness
Abortion is Materially a Health Issue
The entire abortion question is one of health. The Woman's health. Regardless of its formulation abortion remains a health issue. Whether or not the state recognizes its practice or renders it illicit, Women will do it as eve taught them to [yes for you Evangelicals kooks, because if as you believe that Eve as Genesis 3:6-7 narrates, became like God, knowing, then it goes to say abortion and it's how to was the first order of Buisness]
The Federalist Society in its "useful idiot" role can make it's bigoted and one-dimensional assertions about the Constitution all it wants and it cannot change nor distort the "General Welfare" text of the Constitution. The Clarence Thomases and Samuel Alito's will scheme and pervert and consequently, we will mock them and relegate them as in 2020 America status are toppled without as much a requiem.
By William Thorpe
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
What Is Going On In Uganda That Humans Are On The Chimpanzee Menu and Diet?
What is going on in Uganda that humans are on the chimpanzee menu and diet? Chimpanzees in Uganda are allowed to prey on children, disembowel, and eat their kidneys without response from the government.
What is the purpose of the Ugandan government if it is incapable of protecting its citizens from monstrous maurading Chimpanzees. In a typical voyeuristic National Geographic essay titled "I am scared all the time." In its August 2020 issue, we are reminded of the indifference and dismissiveness by Western Imperialist of Black and African village life. Imagine this Apology from the writer, David Quammen:
"Most cases involve chimps that are reckless at one fateful moment, not repeatedly" [NG - 8/20 pp131]
Really? We are told by Mr. David Quammen and his National Geographic enablers that over the past decades over forty (40) Chimpanzee attacks on children have not only happened but tolerated with the casual and sterile characterization of:
"Many more reported attacks are unverified" [ibid pp130]
Now let's imagine wolves in America's Yellowstone National Park preying on children and National Geographic dismissively characterization the predation as:
"Most cases involved [Wolves] that are reckless at one fateful moment, not repeatedly."
People behave strangely. A British Biologist Matt Mclennan who has been in Uganda among the monstrous children eating Chimpanzees describes children eating Ugandan Chimpanzees as:
"The chimps at Bulindi are coping - for now." [ibio]
So disemboweling children, smashing children's heads in, ripping children's arms off are calmly described as "coping."
Mr. David Quammen along with his National Geographic enablers tells us:
"Sometimes the Bulindi Chimps carry higher levels of stess-related hormones.....Does that mean their piratical way of life, staying close to humans and foraging for their food is inherently stressful? [ibid pp 134-136]
This is head-scratching. Chimps are disemboweling Black children, eating their Kidney's and National Geographic is telling us about Chimp stress-related hormones? Preying on children is euphemistically characterized as:
"A piratical way of life?"
And we are given delusional comments by shell-shocked minds as Ms. Lillian Tinkasimire as an insidious attempt at normalizing the unconscionable occurrences when Mr. David Quammen finds it necessary to introduce us to:
"Lillian Tinkasimire, an amiable matriarch whose little redbrick house is graced with Mango tree in front and a Fig tree behind, both of which attract Chimpanzees, takes a steady view. "The chimps are very clever," she said. "If you don't chase them, they will be your friend. If you chase them, you will see fire." Tinkasiimire has preserved much of her forest. Her attitude is, let the chimps live here, let them be, let them visit." [ibid pp136]
She "takes a steady view"? A steady view, that chimps who have developed a taste for the kidney's of Ugandan children is "let the chimps live there let them be, let them visit"? A steady view that conveniently supports and is sympathetic of the imperialistic - patriarchial view advanced by the speculative International Union for Conservation of Nature, which is primarily a dismissal of the non-white push for political-economic development. So instead of Africans themselves determining responses to monstrous behavior by predatory chimpanzees. White imperialist with lackey-collaborationist, after having exterminated their wildlife in Europe, North-American, Australia, Tasmania and New Zeland demand that feckless African governments of which Uganda is a pathetic example protect children eating Chimpanzees than the traumatized and terrorized Ugandan mother, picking up what pieces her feckless government has deserted her with after her child was hunted stalked, preyed on kidneys ripped out and eaten.
Are there ways Chimpanzees and the varied classes of wild life in Africa, in Uganda can exist, not co-exist, but exist with human existence and development - yes. But it depends firstly, firmly, and primarily on a Black political-economic development and not the clownish, satirical, and idealistic "ecotourism" that we find collaborationist African bureaucrats as the current Ugandan government foist on barefeet African villages in a kowtowing, sniveling display of sucking up to western Imperialist speculations of wild life having dominion and preeminence over the "wretched" African villagers lot.
In its April 2018 issue, Susan Goldberg, Editor in Chief of National Geographic discussed the magazine's historic and historical challenges with non-white stories and concerns. Affections of supremacy and elitism contrary to convention and irrespective of pattern really isn't an affliction of biology but is a result of economic realities that in an idealistic and undisciplined perception births chauvinism and it's imperial delusions. So instead of resisting the urge, National Geographic, David Quammen, Matt Mclennan, Lillian Tinkasiimire all succumbed to the indulgence of Anthromorphizing the Ugandan Chimpanzees reality of human expansionism and the magazine and its Imperialist pinings chose to sacrifice Black children in extension Black historicity.
By William Thorpe
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Where is Black Media and It Isn't The Breakfast Club
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Photo by Ben Kolde |
Don Lemon isn't that voice. Nor is Steve Harvey or Rick Smiley or the Breakfast Club.
Black determination needs a voice that calls out names unlike the generalizations of Louis Farrakhan. White supremacy and its conservatism for too long have practiced its reaction under the presumptions of the intellectual-liberalism with status quo anonymity, and there cannot be the scared speech of a Sean "P, Diddy" Combs or a "Jay-Z" Carter.
White supremacy and its conservatism isn't irreproachable call 'em out. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Laura Ingraham, to name the bigotry pantheon are not defacto American speech. Have we forgotten how to polemicize and mock conservatism and its hypocrisy operative?
By William Thorpe
Monday, June 22, 2020
Monday, May 18, 2020
Why Calls by A Type of White America For A Reopening of the Economy and A Return To Business A Usual Is The New Cross Burning
As soon as it dawned on Republican, Evangelicals, and Conservatives that Covid-19 wasn't killing white people as much as black and latinix, they started protesting for a return to business as usual, a re-opening of the economy. The dismissiveness of the lives and death of all those black Detroiters which the spectacle of Republicans, Evangelicals and Conservatives honking horns, milling about on the state capital grounds as Lansing, demanding that the Governor cater to them couldn't be stated loud and clear had that type of white American went into Detroit and burnt crosses on the graves of all black victims of COVID-19.
So why hasn't the black and latinix community confronted that type of white American protester in the streets and called them out for what they are cross burning, petty racist, reactionaries?
For too long we have allowed a type of white person, the Republican, Evangelical and Conservative to frame issues, from Ronald Reagans welfare queen, through George H. Bush, Willie Hortons's demonization to the Democrat Bill Clinton chastizing Sistah Soul Jah as foil in their exploitation of racist trope suppositions
The Civil rights movement saw Black American will expressed through marching. What this moment requires is black people confronting that type of white American in the streets.
By William Thorpe
Monday, May 11, 2020
You Guessed Life? Well You Guessed Wrong, Evangelicals, Republicans, and Donald Trump Chose Money
Money is man-made, right? And as we are badgered by religious presumptions life is created by God.
So guess which of the two the supposedly God-loving Evangelicals, Republicans, and Donald Trump chose when the rubber of Corona, Covid-19 hit the pandemic road of 2020 in Donald Trumps USA.
You guessed Life? Well, you guessed wrong, Evangelicals, Republicans and Donald Trump chose money.
So all you white Senior Citizens who have been lemming-like voting Republicans an on Sundays practicing your segregated piety, not only was your Make America Great Again delusion reduced to a hashtag, #okayboomer; but your exceptionalism has been reduced to the whimpering of a herd being culled
By William Thorpe