Sunday, December 11, 2016

Pain Killers, Black, Brown, White America and Illegal Drug Activities

So when will criminal laws on the Federal and State level reflect that Pain Killers prescribed by the nations well fed doctorare now enemy number one in that other war, The War On Drugs?

Or are we to accept the proposition that the war on drugs as all proscriptions and social controls are nothing more than thinly veiled gambits to destabilize Black and Brown America particularly Black and Brown Men because what we see with pain killers medication is it is illegal activity indulged primarily by suburban White America and rural White America.. We don't see monologues in the various political chambers across the land, demanding the sort of Draconian Punishment illegal drug activities practiced by Black and Brown America experiences.  What we do see is the sophistry bias of law, order and justice and it's logic is stacked when the violator is the suburban neighbor or the hunting rifle toting, dysfunctioning family, religious opportunist NASCAR rural America.

By William

Tuesday, September 6, 2016


Robots are doing $30 an hour jobs and the best polemic Humans can come up with is to agree with Donald Trump's Carnival Barker critique of trade?  Irrespective of whether its international or national.

Who do these robot displaced Humans think is benefiting from globalization   hell Globalization ha always existed.

What do these racism   addled Humans Donald Trump; sycophantic lemmings think The Atlantic Slave Trade was?

Should we reinvent the wheel of Political-Economics realization gleaned from Venetian Machinations through Stalinist and British Statism  to Nixonism "In God We Trust" what is money truism just to satisfy and reward the irrelevant ignorance of the Reagan Democrats maturing into the Donald Trump's sycophantic lemmings of 2016 and its "Alt" idealistic indulgence?

By Apropos

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