Friday, March 6, 2009

Rush Limbaugh, Benito Mussolini, Fascism and the Heil Fuhrer Anticipation

Watching Rush Limbaugh in his Black Fascsita knock off, bounding up and down, clicking his heels at the podium of the 2/28/09; CPAC Republican-Conservative Bacchanalian spectacle, with his comical attempt at revising and modifying the Third Reich salute.

The historical similarities to another Black-Fascista uniform wearing, heel clicking, rocking and bouncing idiot comes to mind.

Benito Mussolini, the Italian Fascist who Rush Limbaugh the demagogue seemed to channel was another pathetic demagogue. But at least he had the Italian people and their general bigotry as motive, as he jack-boot strutted across their conscience.

What Rush Limbaugh also has is the futile bigotry of the Republican-Conservative resentment syndrome, as he matures his modified Third Reich Republican salute to its Heil Fuhrer anticipation.

By Apropos


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