Thursday, March 12, 2009

New Orleans, "The Big Easy", Katrina and The Bobby Jindal Narrative

Louisiana congressman Bobby Jindal
Louisiana congressman Bobby Jindal (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
New Orleans, "The Big Easy", is back to it's post Katrina self: that perfidious inability to be objective about it's woes. How else are we to ingest the explanation, that petty crime in New Orleans, "The Big Easy", is to blame for the ludicrous progress of it's recovery from Katrina and her wrath.

Or what about the criminality preposterous account by Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal during his comical 2/24/09; response to President Barack Obama, that New Orleans post Katrina recovery is due to tax cuts...Ha...Ha...Ha!

Man Republicans and tax cuts! The narrative is just pathetic.

By Apropos


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