Sunday, March 1, 2009

Kamikaze Recklessness and the Resentment Syndrome

Those critics of the Obama Home Mortgage Rescue Plan are exhibiting the Kamikaze recklessness of those World War II JapaCheck Spellingnese Generals who advocated a strategy of National Hara Kiri or Seppuku at the prospect of imminent American invasion.

It is so crudely petulant to hear seeming conscientious and responsible citizens argue that Obama's efforts at stabilizing the housing mess, which by the way is diminishing quality of life, cultivates bad behavior.

What exactly do those idiots think the Economy is? Do they pause for a minute as they huff and puff, laboring in reaction and it's resentment syndrome to realize that every single human activity is the economy even under the hand-out dialectic they decry so naively?

By Apropos


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