Friday, March 20, 2009

The Human Condition, Barry Madoff and Childish Therapy

Once again the human condition and it's nature is acting and reacting with it's systemic and endemic bovine like tendencies. this collective anger at Barry Madoff and the pathetic glee with which his imprisonment is being defined, is once again indicative of failure to appraise facts of The Human Condition. and it's nature.

Expending mental and emotional energy over Barry Madoff and his money laundering scheme ignores the one and only redemptive fact. Which is: ire and rage should be directed at the Security and Exchange Commission and the appropriate and accountable state and federal officials and authorities who were criminality derelict in their duties and failed the body politic in their Constitutional duties. Losing sight of this and instead indulging in the miserable snickering that an insidious 70 year old man who scammed thousands out of money sitting in jail is pure social diversion and childish therapy spectacle. It disregards the mature question of demanding accountability that only the U.S. Government can fleece a class and group and not any one individual can do so.

By Apropos


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