Saturday, July 13, 2024


I have described the tumult from Joe Biden's CNN 6/27/24 debate with the notorious criminal Donald Trump, as contrived and THE FUHRER GAMBIT. A gambit, to put it, is a tactic, a maneuver, a move towards a concealed strategy. Ever since Black South Carolinians rescued Joe Biden's presidential ambitions, thereby enabling his seemingly improbable 2021 Presidential win against the now convicted felon, former president Donald Trump (who was performing to perfection, the useful idiot role, for "Capital" and its neo-feudalist formulation) "that" reactionary historical supremacist presumption has shrieked in terror, that Joe Biden, trounced their useful idiot in 2021.As such, "that historical supremacist presumption "has demanded that its Fourth Columnites, The New York Times, CNN, The Washington Post, USA Today, Chicago Herald, LA Times, The Detroit News, Politico, FOX and some of the minor players, earn their keep by lambasting and undercutting Biden. Because what exactly are we being asked to determine? That a 81yr.old Man doesn't have vigorous speech? If vigor of speech indicated critical thinking and a motive force of action, then Parrots, Parakeets, Ravens, Magpies and all those birds of mimicry would be marshalling divisions and battle orders against imbecile humans. Because whether Biden had a slack look on his face aghast at the craven and brazen lies being spewed by the notorious criminal Donald "orange Jumpsuit# olelabrateyes" Trump during the CNN 6/27/24 Debate has nothing to do with his motive force. Let's ask all of those dead Russians, who met their Russian Orthodox Church Heaven on Ukrainian earth by means of Biden provided American steel and percussive or all of those slaughtered Palestinian Women, Children and Men again by Biden provided to Zionist Israelis, American munition or Biden's check on The Chinese Communist Party and its Peoples Republic Strategies or Biden's work at maintaining the international lattice integral to the realization of goods and services. The point is all of those provocateurs yelling the loudest for Biden to exit stage, left, The Krugman's, Friedmans, Remnicks, McCaskills, Jones have all increased their wealth and purchasing power under the "senile" stewardship of Biden. They live in comfort, under the safety provided by their lambasted senile Biden ain't it .Let's take all of these Palestinians killed, slaughtered and murdered under this American real politik with Zionist Israelis as directed by this American President, Joe Biden and as a result is literally under the prospect of losing a substantial portion of his Democratic base, the same people he needs for his reelection but who are diametrically and radically opposed to his support of Zionist Israel because the dying Palestinians not only are human beings but are their family members, literally not metaphorically, but literally and regardless of the simple logic of the Zionist imperative ,which is, seizure of what was once Palestinian land. Just as White Europeans, invaded Native American lands and seized it resulting into what is now These United States. The point is no one and I mean no one has made the point that senility, cognitive decline, dementia and all the ageist, speculative accusations are basis for and what is fueling Joe Biden's handling of the myriad domestic and international issues. If anything his handling of the various issues specifically the Palestinian-Gaza war with Zionist Israel, then on immigration has garnered the criticism of heartlessness and heartlessness sure as hell isn't synonymous with senility and doddering. The idea that The New York Times circumscribes ones motive force on vigor of speech is straw grasping.

By William Thorpe


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