Monday, July 15, 2024


Here I am on July the 4th, 2024, trying to find NPR on the FM dial and I hear the voice of one of the provocateurs on the American Family Radio, station, saying he had people say to him that because The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. helped his fellow man, which were his works must be in heaven. Man oh man, I said to myself, this will be good ha-ha-ha because he was teeing of, setting it up to criticize the Rev. and of course in extension, the civil rights narrative, which is like cat nip to "white evangelicals", they despise the fact that Black People dare criticize and indict White America over the Black American experience as Brother FREDERICK DOUGLAS resolutely gave us in his, 'WHAT TO THE SLAVE IS THE 4TH OF JULY"... ha-ha-ha, so yes I knew it'd be another one of those indefensible apologies. Well it didn't take much for the voice to, first of all I assume in his, stuck in his antebellumnesque reaction proclaim his Bonafide's as basis to tell us, because I gotta suppose that he has peered into" heaven "and again I suppose with the exact sort of eyes of those 4 creatures of Revelation's throne room and its sea of crystals "seen "that Brother Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. is no where to be found. Because he starts by declaring, Yup that's the only way I can put it, the American Family Radio voice declared that he has read, Yup read and studied (now let me digress a bit because I find it extremely oxymoronic that a ethno nationalist, American white-evangelical not only studies but is capable of studying, because isn't the whole idea behind studying is so we won't make the same tired and indefensible mistakes our ancients made? And the only thing our ethno nationalist white evangelicals are hell bent on doing is making those silly mistakes our ancients made as if their  "God " given brain realizes and redeems itself by the flagellation of that adage of insanity) yeah I digressed a bit but back to our American Family Radio voice and his intimate study of as he put it all of The dead Rev.'s works, oh the voice even said he studied The Rev.'s handwritten works (man is the voice laboring mightily just to discredit civil rights!, but then when ones only claim to having occupied cubic space on earth is ethno-nationalism and its " supremacist futility", you'd also be reduced to being a voice on American Family Radio. So the voice reaches the apogee of his intended destruction of Martin Luther King Jr. by declaring that The ole Rev. wasn't a Christian after all because his writings were Buddhist.....hmmm, now this is where I said man this voice is making all of my take on the reactionary world view of the white evangelical, for me which is, all we gotta do is let em talk because once they open their mouth they impress us with its arbitrary construct. So the voice's critique stood its Florida ground, ain't that what it is stand your ground? On EPHESIANS 2:8-10 (FOR BY GRACE YOU HAVE BEEN SAVED THROUGH FAITH, AND THAT NOT OF YOURSELVES: IT IS THE GIFT OF GOD, NOT OF WORKS, LEST ANYONE SHOULD BOAST.FOR WE ARE HIS WORKMANSHIP, CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS FOR GOOD WORKS, WHICH GOD PREPARED BEFOREHAND THAT WE SHOULD WALK IN THEM...NKJV) I've excerpted what the voice stood his ground on, which is the critique that Paul aka Saul critiques "works" as being at odds with salvation right? Which is then to say, THE REV.MARTIN LUTHER KING JR's works hell might as well been the devils work or "dirty deeds done dirt cheap".Isn't The Great Commission "work"?

By William Thorpe


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