Thursday, July 18, 2024


The thing with racism and the racist is those filled with it would rather go to hell and back, than simply say you damn right I am. So they gas light themselves with, I'm not against Black Lives Matter but all lives matter or hell, blue lives matters which is to say Cops lives matter. Now the declaration, Black Lives Matter didn't simply appear because some squirmy, demented brain decided to state an obvious, which is if in our human condition, for whatever reason which doesn't factor much into this work, humans are labeled, so the assertion Black Lives Matter is simply, affirming the obvious. As such the question is what the hell is going on in the environment determining Black Life, that the obvious has and must be stated, that Black Lives Matters? Which as declarative, is a mechanism intended to, remove its necessity and within this intention we encounter myriad forms, a one after the other variations of it, equal to all the pretzel twist the racist contort their psyche in its denial. The profane nature of racism is so abjectly self-negating that in its incorrigibility it seeks refuge in the delusional sophistry of euphemisms. Beginning with "supremacy", which then morphs into the racist, playing out a Monty Python skit or a la Don Quixote reduced to attacking, the anti-racism conceptual mechanisms as windmills. Which brings us to the insanity of Chip Roy, a Texas Republican hurling "a DEI hire" (which is one of the anti-racism conceptual mechanisms) as epithet against Vice-President Kamala Harris, who is a Black Woman. Because Chip Roy by attacking DEI wants to be spared the effort and exertion of realizing his humanness by "thinking".Because were he to think he'd realize that the Black American experiential anti-racism critique embodied in DEI isn't an ephemeral idealistic pursuit of retribution, but is a symbiotic revelatory mechanism highlighting the sickness of the mental labor expended in constructing it's expectant paranoia anticipating DEI. Now the DEI apoplexy just as critical race theory that are dually consuming Texas Congressman Chip Roy, including Chris Rufo and their FOX News perdition, reveals something else, which is what is lacking not only domestically but internationally in the Black World is the dearth of INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM for Black people by Black people. People like Chip Roy, Chris Rufo, Ron DeSantis, Donald Trump, Jason Miyares, Glenn Youngkin, Gregg Abbot, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Paul Weyrich, Rick Santelli, Leonard Leo, Dinesh D'Souza, Edward Blum, 50cent (rapper), Jay-Z (rapper), Charlemagne Tha God (radio personality), Steve Harvey (comedian), Terry Crews (actor), just to name a few are the minds and hearts who either actively oppose Black political-economic assertiveness internationally and domestically, along with those who enable the opposition. Investigative journalism will give us the necessary information needed to understand what is what. Let's take the State of Texas, with the largest grouping of Black People, I pose a simple rhetorical question has anyone studied its politics and to what extent is it even playing along that its Black people are visible to it. So it isn't surprising that a Texas politician, Chip Roy dare insults The Vice-President of These United States, Kamala Harris, with the so silly on so many levels that it isn't even original racist epithet of a DEI hire.

By William Thorpe


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