Friday, July 19, 2024


Of course since The Republican Party, traded places with The Democratic Party, after Democrats under Lyndon B. Johnson, in the 1960's nationalized Black American access to the ballot box, with passage of the Voting Rights Act, hence losing neo-enslavers in its ranks to the misanthropic embrace of The Republican Party as last refuge and haven for reaction and all neo-confederate reactionaries. Its Conventions have always introduced us to another new one from under that proverbial rock, which Charlie Kirk of Turning Point USA during this 2024 Republican Convention is the latest rock crawler. Charlie's indentation of SOIL under that rock, which he reminded us is BIRTHRIGHT during his feeble speech is perplexing, because, let's just start with this 21st century. Since 2000 here are BIRTHRIGHT markers, which I doubt Charlie Kirk considered. We've had mass shootings and killings in CHURCHES, SYNAGOGUES, HOSPITALS,  K-12 SCHOOLS, SCHOOLS AND MORE SCHOOLS, UNIVERSITIES, WALMART STORES AND OTHER GROCERY STORES, WARE HOUSES, BASE BALL GAMES AND OTHER ATHLETIC EVENTS,YOGA STUDIOS AND OTHER STUDIOS, NEWSPAPER COMPANIES, PEOPLE ENGAGING IN PUBLIC PROTEST BY MARCHING IN THE STREETS, MALLS, POLITICIANS HAVE BEEN GUNNED DOWN AT CONSTITUENT ACCESSIBILITY EVENTS, INCLUDING DONALD TRUMP'S EXPERIENCE, MOVIE THEATERS, POST OFFICES, now this is our BIRTHRIGHT.

By William Thorpe

Thursday, July 18, 2024


The thing with racism and the racist is those filled with it would rather go to hell and back, than simply say you damn right I am. So they gas light themselves with, I'm not against Black Lives Matter but all lives matter or hell, blue lives matters which is to say Cops lives matter. Now the declaration, Black Lives Matter didn't simply appear because some squirmy, demented brain decided to state an obvious, which is if in our human condition, for whatever reason which doesn't factor much into this work, humans are labeled, so the assertion Black Lives Matter is simply, affirming the obvious. As such the question is what the hell is going on in the environment determining Black Life, that the obvious has and must be stated, that Black Lives Matters? Which as declarative, is a mechanism intended to, remove its necessity and within this intention we encounter myriad forms, a one after the other variations of it, equal to all the pretzel twist the racist contort their psyche in its denial. The profane nature of racism is so abjectly self-negating that in its incorrigibility it seeks refuge in the delusional sophistry of euphemisms. Beginning with "supremacy", which then morphs into the racist, playing out a Monty Python skit or a la Don Quixote reduced to attacking, the anti-racism conceptual mechanisms as windmills. Which brings us to the insanity of Chip Roy, a Texas Republican hurling "a DEI hire" (which is one of the anti-racism conceptual mechanisms) as epithet against Vice-President Kamala Harris, who is a Black Woman. Because Chip Roy by attacking DEI wants to be spared the effort and exertion of realizing his humanness by "thinking".Because were he to think he'd realize that the Black American experiential anti-racism critique embodied in DEI isn't an ephemeral idealistic pursuit of retribution, but is a symbiotic revelatory mechanism highlighting the sickness of the mental labor expended in constructing it's expectant paranoia anticipating DEI. Now the DEI apoplexy just as critical race theory that are dually consuming Texas Congressman Chip Roy, including Chris Rufo and their FOX News perdition, reveals something else, which is what is lacking not only domestically but internationally in the Black World is the dearth of INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM for Black people by Black people. People like Chip Roy, Chris Rufo, Ron DeSantis, Donald Trump, Jason Miyares, Glenn Youngkin, Gregg Abbot, Elon Musk, Peter Thiel, Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Paul Weyrich, Rick Santelli, Leonard Leo, Dinesh D'Souza, Edward Blum, 50cent (rapper), Jay-Z (rapper), Charlemagne Tha God (radio personality), Steve Harvey (comedian), Terry Crews (actor), just to name a few are the minds and hearts who either actively oppose Black political-economic assertiveness internationally and domestically, along with those who enable the opposition. Investigative journalism will give us the necessary information needed to understand what is what. Let's take the State of Texas, with the largest grouping of Black People, I pose a simple rhetorical question has anyone studied its politics and to what extent is it even playing along that its Black people are visible to it. So it isn't surprising that a Texas politician, Chip Roy dare insults The Vice-President of These United States, Kamala Harris, with the so silly on so many levels that it isn't even original racist epithet of a DEI hire.

By William Thorpe

Wednesday, July 17, 2024


Okay, where should I start, is it with the astoundingly unstated proposition that millions of Americans who claim to hate crime will glibly vote for an individual who has been adjudged a rapist and is a 34 count convicted felon, Yeah the former President of The United States, Donald J.Trump. An unprecedented two-time impeached President during an open and shut one 4yr.term.Which also included an insurrection, the construction of a scaffold to execute members of the Nations Government and an attack on The U.S Congress, because that is what Democrats as Adam Smith, Michael Bennett to name a few under the leadership of the instigator in chief, the insidious NEW YORK TIMES are hard at work implying. I mean it isn't that any of this are strange and peculiar occurrences in our human condition. But the context reeks, which is simply this, The Democratic Party is craven for all sorts of reasons that I can easily defend my stating such. The Democratic Party, plyed the most childish of moves, it exploited a circumstance that had always existed, then it embellished the metric of exploitation, forgetting that, yes as people we are stupid, but our stupidity is complex. So for example, we might not dig too deep into why for example The New York Times has dusted off the same play book it deployed against the ex-Barry Goldwater gal, Hillary Clinton, during her bid for the Presidency, by yapping incessantly about her alleged misuse of a private computer server. By again hammering at Joe Biden's CNN hosted and shopped 6/27/24 debate performance. To which right on cue Meerkat-like Democrats emerged with pointy noses and chinless jowels, to unconscionably tell us that The President's debate performance was so beyond the pale that, excuse the pun, it trumped the fact that President Joe Biden's opponent on the debate stage was a criminal, not metaphorically but literally and the way the President spoke so whispery is the crime and not Donald J. Trump, whom the State of New York has spent millions prosecuting for his craven crimes. Now what do I mean by those meerkat-democrats exploited a situation that had always existed Biden didn't just turn 81, during the CNN 6/27/24 debate, nor did he just start eating his words, the man has historically been making word salads. Hell has anyone listened to how the lot of politicians talk, hell not just politicians even those propagandist slaving for The New York Times, all they do is talk in circles because they obfuscate, if they ain't talking to us as if we're Gerber kids, they talk to us with the dumbing down qualifier of, "I don't want to get into the weeds" or,"this is inside the belt way, Washington talk, folks in the heartland, are not concerned with this". Well if we don't care, if it's in the weeds, if its beltway talk, then what the hell are we basing our votes on? Now this is what is violently insulting, as a matter of fact, assaultive. The New York Times and its Democratic stooges, its useful idiots, have assumed they have the right to veto the imperative and will of all those millions of primary voters who expended their motive force voting for Biden-Harris as the only elements worthy of representing them. Those primary voters knew that Joe Biden is 81yrs, they had seen all the anti-Biden psy-ops memes ,they had encountered all of the Biden bashing propaganda, while giving the convicted felon Trump, a pass. Yet they voted for him in the primaries and now The New York Times is dismissing their votes, their motive force?

By William Thorpe

Monday, July 15, 2024


Here I am on July the 4th, 2024, trying to find NPR on the FM dial and I hear the voice of one of the provocateurs on the American Family Radio, station, saying he had people say to him that because The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. helped his fellow man, which were his works must be in heaven. Man oh man, I said to myself, this will be good ha-ha-ha because he was teeing of, setting it up to criticize the Rev. and of course in extension, the civil rights narrative, which is like cat nip to "white evangelicals", they despise the fact that Black People dare criticize and indict White America over the Black American experience as Brother FREDERICK DOUGLAS resolutely gave us in his, 'WHAT TO THE SLAVE IS THE 4TH OF JULY"... ha-ha-ha, so yes I knew it'd be another one of those indefensible apologies. Well it didn't take much for the voice to, first of all I assume in his, stuck in his antebellumnesque reaction proclaim his Bonafide's as basis to tell us, because I gotta suppose that he has peered into" heaven "and again I suppose with the exact sort of eyes of those 4 creatures of Revelation's throne room and its sea of crystals "seen "that Brother Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. is no where to be found. Because he starts by declaring, Yup that's the only way I can put it, the American Family Radio voice declared that he has read, Yup read and studied (now let me digress a bit because I find it extremely oxymoronic that a ethno nationalist, American white-evangelical not only studies but is capable of studying, because isn't the whole idea behind studying is so we won't make the same tired and indefensible mistakes our ancients made? And the only thing our ethno nationalist white evangelicals are hell bent on doing is making those silly mistakes our ancients made as if their  "God " given brain realizes and redeems itself by the flagellation of that adage of insanity) yeah I digressed a bit but back to our American Family Radio voice and his intimate study of as he put it all of The dead Rev.'s works, oh the voice even said he studied The Rev.'s handwritten works (man is the voice laboring mightily just to discredit civil rights!, but then when ones only claim to having occupied cubic space on earth is ethno-nationalism and its " supremacist futility", you'd also be reduced to being a voice on American Family Radio. So the voice reaches the apogee of his intended destruction of Martin Luther King Jr. by declaring that The ole Rev. wasn't a Christian after all because his writings were Buddhist.....hmmm, now this is where I said man this voice is making all of my take on the reactionary world view of the white evangelical, for me which is, all we gotta do is let em talk because once they open their mouth they impress us with its arbitrary construct. So the voice's critique stood its Florida ground, ain't that what it is stand your ground? On EPHESIANS 2:8-10 (FOR BY GRACE YOU HAVE BEEN SAVED THROUGH FAITH, AND THAT NOT OF YOURSELVES: IT IS THE GIFT OF GOD, NOT OF WORKS, LEST ANYONE SHOULD BOAST.FOR WE ARE HIS WORKMANSHIP, CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS FOR GOOD WORKS, WHICH GOD PREPARED BEFOREHAND THAT WE SHOULD WALK IN THEM...NKJV) I've excerpted what the voice stood his ground on, which is the critique that Paul aka Saul critiques "works" as being at odds with salvation right? Which is then to say, THE REV.MARTIN LUTHER KING JR's works hell might as well been the devils work or "dirty deeds done dirt cheap".Isn't The Great Commission "work"?

By William Thorpe

Saturday, July 13, 2024


I have described the tumult from Joe Biden's CNN 6/27/24 debate with the notorious criminal Donald Trump, as contrived and THE FUHRER GAMBIT. A gambit, to put it, is a tactic, a maneuver, a move towards a concealed strategy. Ever since Black South Carolinians rescued Joe Biden's presidential ambitions, thereby enabling his seemingly improbable 2021 Presidential win against the now convicted felon, former president Donald Trump (who was performing to perfection, the useful idiot role, for "Capital" and its neo-feudalist formulation) "that" reactionary historical supremacist presumption has shrieked in terror, that Joe Biden, trounced their useful idiot in 2021.As such, "that historical supremacist presumption "has demanded that its Fourth Columnites, The New York Times, CNN, The Washington Post, USA Today, Chicago Herald, LA Times, The Detroit News, Politico, FOX and some of the minor players, earn their keep by lambasting and undercutting Biden. Because what exactly are we being asked to determine? That a 81yr.old Man doesn't have vigorous speech? If vigor of speech indicated critical thinking and a motive force of action, then Parrots, Parakeets, Ravens, Magpies and all those birds of mimicry would be marshalling divisions and battle orders against imbecile humans. Because whether Biden had a slack look on his face aghast at the craven and brazen lies being spewed by the notorious criminal Donald "orange Jumpsuit# olelabrateyes" Trump during the CNN 6/27/24 Debate has nothing to do with his motive force. Let's ask all of those dead Russians, who met their Russian Orthodox Church Heaven on Ukrainian earth by means of Biden provided American steel and percussive or all of those slaughtered Palestinian Women, Children and Men again by Biden provided to Zionist Israelis, American munition or Biden's check on The Chinese Communist Party and its Peoples Republic Strategies or Biden's work at maintaining the international lattice integral to the realization of goods and services. The point is all of those provocateurs yelling the loudest for Biden to exit stage, left, The Krugman's, Friedmans, Remnicks, McCaskills, Jones have all increased their wealth and purchasing power under the "senile" stewardship of Biden. They live in comfort, under the safety provided by their lambasted senile Biden ain't it .Let's take all of these Palestinians killed, slaughtered and murdered under this American real politik with Zionist Israelis as directed by this American President, Joe Biden and as a result is literally under the prospect of losing a substantial portion of his Democratic base, the same people he needs for his reelection but who are diametrically and radically opposed to his support of Zionist Israel because the dying Palestinians not only are human beings but are their family members, literally not metaphorically, but literally and regardless of the simple logic of the Zionist imperative ,which is, seizure of what was once Palestinian land. Just as White Europeans, invaded Native American lands and seized it resulting into what is now These United States. The point is no one and I mean no one has made the point that senility, cognitive decline, dementia and all the ageist, speculative accusations are basis for and what is fueling Joe Biden's handling of the myriad domestic and international issues. If anything his handling of the various issues specifically the Palestinian-Gaza war with Zionist Israel, then on immigration has garnered the criticism of heartlessness and heartlessness sure as hell isn't synonymous with senility and doddering. The idea that The New York Times circumscribes ones motive force on vigor of speech is straw grasping.

By William Thorpe

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Our politics to wit, history isn't complicated, just as life and our human condition. So with this out of the way, let me begin, politics is first and foremost speech and if our ancients correctly recognized that, "war is not an independent phenomenon...but the continuation of politics by different means",viz, politics then is war, meaning it is always about speech and speech at times presents itself kinetically others inertly. The current President,Joe Biden is 81yrs.old, the one challenging him is currently America's notorious criminal, a sexual assault adjudged and 34 felony count convicted former president Donald "orangejumpsuit, #olelabrateyes" Trump and he is 78 yrs.old. Both Men are relative octogenarians and we've already had The North Koreans name call and characterize, Donald Trump, a"dotard", during the Nation's, Bozo indulgence, Trump's disastrous presidency. On June, 27/2024,CNN sold ad.time (in other words, made money) under guise of showcasing a "presidential" debate between the octogenarians vying to be called "President". Now let me make this point, according to the nations jurisprudence"every person" is responsible for their conduct, and as plainly stated under the Nations legal structure, corporations are persons, then CNN as person and host of the purported 2024 presidential debate is responsible for conduct, which by all measures was indefensible in its permissiveness of allowing a notorious criminal, Donald Trump to mock that colloquial "faith glue", holding and maintaining the integrity of the Social Contract. 

 The 81yr.old Joe Biden, during the 6/27/24 CNN hosted debate, behaved exactly as a normal, healthy, octogenarian, who struggles with a stutter and stammer would. In the early moments of the debate, his voice was leathery and muffled. Hell who knows, it all could've been a stunt to ensnare and goad, his opponent, the notorious convicted felon Donald Trump into going on a rampage of lies and craven insults, for an entire Nation, to distinctly and clearly experience and hear of the sorts of language typically reserved for his cultist rallies and true to form,Trump performed and provided enough content for Joe Biden's campaign to mass produce and exploit as type and sorts of speech that passes for political campaigns. So that was the debate. What I find interesting, which is what prompted this work is the response and reaction, post debate and man has it been biblical!! Because the chicken little, sky is falling  nature of the response has occurred as if, recruiting certain prairie dogs to provide cover for the insidious work of "It sounds a dreadful thing to say, but these are things that don't necessarily need to be true as long as they're believed" (Alexander Nix unquote) i.e the former U.S Senator from Missouri Claire McCaskill and the birthright for a bowl of potato soup media patsy, Van Jones who can't think themselves out of the proverbial, "wet paper bag" are legitimate critics. These are not ad hominem snides, but come on man who the hell is paying Claire McCaskill and Van Jones to pick "Barabbas"?didn't we see this movie in Mel Gibson's, PASSION OF THE CHRIST? Where Pontius Pilate asked those precursors to our "white"evangelicals", between The Nazarene and Donald Trump's precursor Barabbas, who should he free and to a man they screamed Barabbas? Are we not witnessing and experiencing that same identical drama with this hue and cry for Joe Biden to step aside from his reelection bid? Because during the CNN debate, Biden was his natural 81yr.old self, as if the leathery speech of a 81yr.old voice box is abjectly criminal and socially menacing, than the sex assault adjudged, 34 felony count convicted Donald Trump, who is a pure archetype of the A to Z of human corruption. Yet, what we've experienced is unbridled, umbrage at Joe Biden for daring to remind us that octogenarians exist. This entire hyperventilation over Joe Biden's debate performance is contrived, clearly underpinned by ulterior motives, which must be clearly at odds with the Nations patrimony because, considering the characters involved in the push to have Biden exist stage, hell it could be trapdoored, and there hasn't been none of the usual whisper spillage, that behind the closed doors of the Oval Office away from the moist, liver like lips of a Thomas Friedman, or the affected study of a David Remnick, those self styled gate keepers right? President Joe Biden is a drooling "dotard" a la North Korea reminding Donald Trump, of their proficiency in and command of English lingua which Trump in his illiteracy hadn't a clue in his misfiring neurons, existed. So this brings me to the nerve of THE NEW YORK TIMES, yup that old legion having the gall to presume its deception isn't tired, old (hell if "old" is an accusation, then man o man is the New York Times well deserving!) and worn. Look people way before the debate and Biden's critique The New York Times had been pounding the drum,for him to step aside. The New York Times has expended crazy resources in establishing strawman arguments, a weirdly comical exercise in anti-Biden psy-ops intended to demoralize Biden's base. So this post-debate furor unleashed by The New York Times along with its peon, The Atlanta Journal Constitution clamoring for Biden to hang it up has nothing to do with a droll debate but a Fuhrer gambit.

By William Thorpe
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