Sunday, January 31, 2010

"Welfare", Republican-Conservatism and Whimsical Delusions

I can easily make the elitist and regressive argument that "Welfare" and all affirmative social-policies as criticized by Republican-Conservatives and Conservatism impedes people initiative, drive and ambition.  But it will be at the expense and omission that it has taken the Human Condition milleania to simply glean the dialectical facts and discoveries we now hold so hubristically dear. 

And it brings me to pose the question:  what held us back from discovering fire or the invention of the automobile till the historical moments of their emergence?

I pose this question and take this contra position against Republican-Conservatism, because the fact is Conservative reaction and it's Intellectual-Liberalism is the recourse of the petty-tyrannical and mediocre mind and it's folksy whimsical delusions.

By Apropos


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