Sunday, January 3, 2010

Apropos The Blog and Abortion

Apropos The Blog of Political-Economy and The Human Condition is Anti-Abortion but Pro-Choice on the Philosophical question of abortion should be an issue for the Woman, her family and Male partner.

Apropos The Blog is Pro-Morning After drugs and like applications that inhibit fertilization after sexual intercourse.

Apropos The Blog defines the crux of the abortion antagonisms of American Political-Economy as simply a idealistic expression that objectively compromises  the philosophical dialectic of Pro-Life and Anti-Abortion theology.

It is simple: Abortion and Anti-Abortion are valuable only as idea.  Because the practical principle and fact of fetal life, which natural biology itself compromises through miscarriages and the fragility of fertilization, which only with the recent advantages in medical science has stabilized and now enhances the nuanced apriorism of theology, clearly reveals the practical irrelevance of the Pro-life dialectic.  Simply philosophically it is redundant.

By Apropos


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