Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Haiti Earthquake of 1/12/10; The International Community and Sovereignty

The World and International Community in response to the 7.0 Haiti Earthquake of 1/12/10; will spend, donate, and provide millions even possibly billions of dollars in aid and assistance.

Again we are presented with another irrational example of the Human Condition and it's dynamic.  The World and International Community has apathetically and conveniently paced the inexorable march of Haitian history and it's Political-Economy to this cataclysmic fact and effect of the 1/12/2010; earthquake.

Had the infrastructural utility-value, the millions and probable billions of dollars that will now be spent in aid to Haiti, been spent ages ago and the infrastructure aggregated, irrelevant of Haiti's sovereignty.  We will not be witnessing the World and Community expressing a shared humaness and commonality after the fact.

By Apropos


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