Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Pahokee, Florida, Condescension, The Pahokee Athelectic Phenomena and The Black American Experience

Pahokee, Florida has been the gridirons best kept secret as I wrote on March 24, 2008; in the post titled "Rabbits and the Secret of Pahokee, Florida".  But it is also tragically and ironically exploited in a senselessly condescending manner as epitomized by the Tennessee Volunteers coach Lane Kiffin in his now infamous diatribe...."For those of you who haven't been to Pahokee, there ain't much going on"..."There ain't a gas station that works, nobodys got enough money to even have shoes or a shirt on". [unquote] Even though Lane Kiffin opportunistically and conveniently apologized for his elitist gibberish, it still objectively sums up the condescension.

Naturally and within the normal dynamic of sports, human psychology and the wealth acquisitive incentive and as befits the present level of what is acceptable socio-normal facts of existence, the Pahokee contradiction and it's tragic antagonism is nihilistically accepted.

No one disputes the exceptional, par excellence quality of The Pahokee Athlete and the football players unique tradition of Chasing Rabbits in it's Sugar Cane Fields produces.  Pahokee's sons who have made it to the stratosphere of professional football, the NFL are legend. FBS (NCAA Football) coaches trip over each other in that obscene ritual of collegiate sports American and it's siren-like courtship of the unprivileged, marginalized underbelly class, as they sell dreams to the Pahokee athlete.

The Pahokee Athletic Phenomena has had and still has the potential to fuse the Value Speculative motive of American capitalism in a Political-Economic reality, that refines the logic and it's contemporary amateurish exploitation with a redemptive impetus of sports and the athletic perfection in itself and for itself.  Also within the dynamic of the Black American Experience and it's self-determinative realities and anticipations.

By Apropos


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