Golfweek magazine in a spasm of cosmic stupidity, hung a noose on the cover of it's recent issue, this came on the heels of a Golf commentator suggesting that a viable way to stop Golfs protagonist Tiger Woods was to lynch him.
Besides the ancillary verbiage this instance of bigotry has wrought, the most comfortable, which main stream hypocrisy has settled on, is , the actions of Golfweek has presented a medium for a national discussion on lynchings, nooses, and racism.
Now this proposal ridiculously expects the Black condition to be just as ditsy as the commentator whose words thrust and shoved Golfweek on to a shelf besides all the other Gone With The Wind and Bell Curve works of the colossal idealism that is Racism in all it's excuses.
Discussion? A national discussion on lynching? Now if this isn't the recourse of minds steeped in extreme fear, the terror of what the victims of American Bigotry have as the legitimate natural justifiable right to, then what sort of adding insult to injury is the supposedly well thought response by serious minds that the response to bigotry is a discussion?
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