Monday, February 4, 2008

911 Calls made public, A ghoulish practice

The Habit of releasing 911 calls for commercial purposes is ghoulish and must be ridiculed and opposed.

There comes a period after certain high profile and well publicized incidents, media outlets, disingenuously foist on the public the 911 calls of the incidents.

Talk about insensitivity.

What is being accomplished besides the base nature of gawking?

Media outlets in that perpetual quest for the bottom line, profit margins as measure of responsibility have incorporated the practice of playing 911 calls under the pretext it's news, when instead it's crass voyeurism.

This practice is an outgrowth of that of releasing plane cock-pit recordings of crashes. There is a difference however, cockpit recordings of plane crashes speak more of the mechanics of the accident. It allows the public and relative investigators to understand what was wrong in a way the intimacy and individual of a 911 call is least concerned with.



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