Monday, February 25, 2008

Criticizing Congress an Industry called Soap Box Pontification

Every day, every other day books are being published critical of Government, politics, politicians. Left this, Right that. Liberal and Conservative hurled epithets. Blue State, Red State labeling as if the Dogs of War eat biscuits and curl in front of fire places.

Faces on cable, voices on talk radio play the vilification of Congress game.

Why isn't the vilification directed at the rightful recipients the voters who keep on keeping on voting like lines of clueless prey shown with purple fingers as if the wag of purple fingers excuses the absence of weapons of mass destruction, as if simply casting a ballot is panacea directed by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund or better yet Civic Duty 101, explaining away lack of accountability for the Sub Prime Rate trough gluttony, as if politicians are a breed apart and are not simply reflective of the electorates naivete and who is to blame for the electorates naivete?

Who is to blame for Ms. South Carolina 2007 Illiteracy?

And being that we are all compatriots in the blame game, so who does Apropos blame for time spent on this post?

By Apropos


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