Sunday, February 10, 2008

The New England Patriots and the 2008 Super Bowl Commercials, What a farce

Super Bowl commercials. Super sub par commercials. The Bud Bowl creations back in the day were worth talking about. There have been moments in Super Bowl commercials also worth speaking on, but what was that the tired ass brains of the third wave gave us for the '08?

Nonetheless what a game it was, New England finally getting their come uppance! Eli Manning for once not allowing his weak chin to get in the way as the New York Giants punished New England and the delusional arrogance of Tom Brady.

It wasn't all that bleak though. The Life Water commercial, lizards moon-walking to Micheal Jackson's Thriller is worth talking about. Garmin's GPS, help for the Petit Corporal to find his way out of perverting the 1789 Revolution was also worth a nod. The gurgling big head E-Trade baby can stay gurgling and Justin Timberlake please! If getting your balls squashed on a pole is what Pepsi could come up with, you should have simply spoofed your role in Janet's wardrobe malfunction.

As an end note---Hyundai with it's Genesis asked we think about it. How about here is a cold dash of reality. Hyundai? Forget about it.

Lizards doing Thriller? Now that's worth a Sequined Glove.



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