Saturday, January 12, 2008

Martin Luther King Jr. irrelevant to Civil Rights: Hillary Clinton Whines

Punch drunk and reeling, stupefied and thrashing, Hillary Clinton is exhibiting the classic symptoms of idealism gone awry in the worst way. We have been hostaged for a while now to the obscenity of the Old Guard Democrats with that practice of the Democratic Elite purporting to speak for the Democratic Rank and File while compromising it's interest. Which brings us to this interesting phenomenon of crying as political activity and Hillary being it's proponent.

Now if this is all there was it would be relegated to the fabric of historical farces.

In response to Barack Obama's indestructible Change platform, Hillary Clinton with one sweep of her flabby arms declared that Martin Luther King Jr. was inconsequential to the Civil Rights reality of American Politics and the destruction of Jim Crow.

Clintonism in it's Hillary form revealed itself to be what the history of White Liberalism has more often than not, turned out to be when confronted with the very human and natural expression of Black ambition and determination, that snarl of how dare ambition and it's art be found in black skin in it's American condition. So it's not surprising that fighting for her political life, Hillary Clinton, instinctively found solace in that one and only critique' White Liberals wield against Blacks who dare challenge their Liberalism and privilege of race. "She had no qualms in trampling all over the "I have a Dream" Martin Luther King Jr. as evoked by her political mortal adversary Barack Obama.

By Apropos


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