Monday, May 18, 2020

Why Calls by A Type of White America For A Reopening of the Economy and A Return To Business A Usual Is The New Cross Burning

As soon as it dawned on Republican, Evangelicals, and Conservatives that Covid-19 wasn't killing white people as much as black and latinix, they started protesting for a return to business as usual, a re-opening of the economy. The dismissiveness of the lives and death of all those black Detroiters which the spectacle of Republicans, Evangelicals and Conservatives honking horns, milling about on the state capital grounds as Lansing, demanding that the Governor cater to them couldn't be stated loud and clear had that type of white American went into Detroit and burnt crosses on the graves of all black victims of COVID-19.

So why hasn't the black and latinix community confronted that type of white American protester in the streets and called them out for what they are cross burning, petty racist, reactionaries?

For too long we have allowed a type of white person, the Republican, Evangelical and Conservative to frame issues, from Ronald Reagans welfare queen, through George H. Bush, Willie Hortons's demonization to the Democrat Bill Clinton chastizing Sistah Soul Jah as foil in their exploitation of racist trope suppositions

The Civil rights movement saw Black American will expressed through marching. What this moment requires is black people confronting that type of white American in the streets.

By William Thorpe


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