Monday, December 21, 2020

The U.S. Constitution Is Silent On Abortion Viz Health By William Thorpe

The Idiot Justice Clarence Thomas with the Typical forked tongue conservatism and it's Republican intellectual-liberalism claimed that the U.S. Constitution is silent on abortion viz health.


[The Constitution of the United States of America]

"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." [My emphasis]

Article I Section 8; 

"The Congress shall have power to.....Provide for the.....General Welfare of the United States....."

Black's Law Dictionary Defines;

General Welfare: The publics health, peace, morals, and safety.

Public Health:

(1) The health of the community at large

(2) The healthful of the sanitary condition of the general body of people or the community en masse; esp. the methods of maintaining the health of the community, as by preventative medicine and organized care for the sick.


(1) The state of being sound or whole in body, mind, or soul

(2) Freedom from pain or sickness

Abortion is Materially a Health Issue

The entire abortion question is one of health. The Woman's health. Regardless of its formulation abortion remains a health issue. Whether or not the state recognizes its practice or renders it illicit, Women will do it as eve taught them to [yes for you Evangelicals kooks, because if as you believe that Eve as Genesis 3:6-7 narrates, became like God, knowing, then it goes to say abortion and it's how to was the first order of Buisness]

The Federalist Society in its "useful idiot" role can make it's bigoted and one-dimensional assertions about the Constitution all it wants and it cannot change nor distort the "General Welfare" text of the Constitution. The Clarence Thomases and Samuel Alito's will scheme and pervert and consequently, we will mock them and relegate them as in 2020 America status are toppled without as much a requiem.

By William Thorpe


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