Friday, April 25, 2008

The Welfare Queen, Lou Dobbs and The Immigration Question

Lou Dobbs has ranted his neck wattles raw, so what is to be made of his tendency, this Dobbsian focus on Illegal Immigration, particularly Mexican Immigration which he loves to bash on his CNN pulpit.

Prior to Clintonism welfare reform which was intended to exploit a labor pool into the geriatric care industry, the shortest and quickest route for anyone with political aspirations was be Philistine and Republican. The tactic as all of the other distortions was simple, paint Welfare recipients as parasites on the body politic and designate one as a Welfare Queen who even though statistically the majority of Welfare recipients were White, was always Black.

Politics in a Hedge Fund society is never at a loss for propaganda and it's distortions, so it isn't surprising that the Nationalism of Lou Dobbs and his anti-immigration tendency paints the Mexican Immigrant as the new Welfare Queen.

By Apropos


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