Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Ronald Reagan, Republican-Tea Party, Bob Woodward, Barack Obama, The National Debt and The Intellectual-Liberalism Of Reaction

How many times have we heard the criticism that even Ronald Reagan would be unwelcome in today's Republican-Tea Party.  So if Ronald Reagan, of whom the Intellectual-Liberalism of Republican-Conservatism/Tea Partyism apotheosizes isn't,  wouldn't be reactionary enough, intransigent enough for today's Republican-Tea Party.  On what objective critique is the great Bob Woodward concluding his leadership criticism of President Barack Obama as being lacking during the 2011 National Debt gambit wrought by the Philistines of the Republican-Tea Party in his recent for profit book, The Price Of Politics.

If Bob Woodward expects us to bestow sagism and that ephemeral intellectual value, objectivity on his works, then his mental labor ought to reflect such.  Instead of the conventional easy way out perspective of over simplification, which despite the consequential gravity of pro forma petty events, the Intellectual-Liberalism of reaction elevates into crisis.

Claiming as Bob Woodward does in his book The Price Of Politics that Barack Obama should have, was obligated to have solved the gorgon knot intransigence of congressional Republicans and their Tea Party stooge during the 2011 National Debt gambit is quite frankly naive and idiotic.  The entire 2011 National Debt Crisis was a gambit of choice by the Republican Party and it's Tea Party stooge to terroristically exact it's Intellectual-Liberal demands from Barack Obama, the Democrats and the American people.  Would Bob Woodward rather have Barack Obama declare and wage war on the third of the U.S.Government?  (Congressional Republicans and their Tea Party stooge).

An objective critique of the 2011 National Debt gambit would be explaining the sequestration ploy as a moral hazard designed specifically to compel congressional Republicans and their Tea Party stooge to compromise with Barack Obama, Democrats and the American people on the prospective elements of the National Debt.

Bob Woodward fails his posterity.  He leaves us wondering that if he represents the elite of the nations intelligentsia then it isn't surprising that the National Political-Economy is in the feckless quandary of the idealism of suppositions and one dimensional critique as consequence of the supremacy of the Intellectual-Liberalism of reaction.

By Apropos


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