Friday, September 21, 2012

"Fighting Injustice", "A Global Force For Good" A Perversion of Military Purpose and The Constitution Of The United States

When A nations Military uses slogans like "Fighting Injustice" as the Marines are currently doing or the Navy's "Global Force For Good", the nations decline and dilution of it's motive force is in hand basket mode.

Dwight D. Eisenhower lectured us about the nefarious cabalistic collusion of the military and for profit corporate interest.  Because as soon as Industrial Value-Speculation becomes the motive for association with a nations military and it's production of organized violence, a perspective perversion of military purpose occurs and the most crass of straw grasping justification begins to assail the national sensibilities.

So we find justification of production of organized violence and it's trillions dollar national deficit in slogans like "fighting Injustice" or "A Global Force For Good" that have nothing to do with the National Defense mandate dicta of the Constitution Of The United States but everything to do with Industrial Value-Speculation.

By Apropos


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