Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Politics of Asterisk and Steroids in Sports

So the Saint Louis Cardinals Home Run meister Mark McGwire, a poster child for the politics of asterisk in sports but on the other hand purportedly representing the innocence and innocence lost of the heartland and it's Gothic.  Has flagellated himself before the nation and hubris of the likes of USA Today's Christine Brennan, the self-assumed gate keeper of ethics and morality in sports with the confessional spectacle, that he partook of sports forbidden fruits, steroids and human growth hormone.

The question of performance enhancement which is the pedestrian criticism against steroids and it's class of chemistry.  Fits perfectly with that least and base level of intellectual activity, where we find likes of War on Drugs, War on Poverty, War on Crimes and mother of all, War on Terrorism.  With the fact, the performance enhancement charge and criticism which apoplectically is only reserved for steroids and it's critical convenience on the socio-periodic table of selective criticism is at home with a sort of revisionary resentment and jealousy, where responses and reactions have nothing to do with the original agitating cause.

The steroid question is firstly and purely a political one.  A relic of the Cold War Era.  When the U.S. in the flailing throes of defeat after another at the hands of the Warsaw Pact and it's superior chemist who knew how to transform East German Frauleins into superbeings worthy of Third Reich Lore, decried it's use.  But whatever the motive-merits of it's proscription, the critique performance enhancement has lapsed into an absurd quixotic comedy.

Can there be competition when it's qualification isn't similarities but dissimilarities, which is what the steroid debate ask of us.  For example if it is proven that biologically, Usain Bolt, Lance Armstrong to name a few are physiological freaks shouldn't their accomplishments succumb to the politics of asterisk?  Why not, they are biologically unfairly advanced, yet we laud their triumphs.

The question is would the original Greek Olympic athlete and those historical Warrior-Athletes of humanities diverse tribes and nations had found affinity with whatever performance enhancement edge chemistry, steroids provided?

By Apropos


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