Sunday, March 7, 2010

"Broken Government", Walmart Supremacy and the Demise of The Nations Labor Unions

Contrary to the "Broken Government" hysteria being whipped up by number of sources in pursuit of their own interest, the U.S. government is not broken.

Do I have to list all the functioning practical aspects of government?  From the Department of Defense, it's prosecution  of multi-dimensional War, the requisite logistical wizardry and it's symbiotic nurture of the Industrial-Military complex to the guaranteed entitlements of Social-Security, Medicare, Medicaid and the various industrial and agricultural welfare programs.

The situation in Washington and across state governments has nothing to do with the hysterical and hyperbolic construct "Broken Government".  But it has everything to do with philosophical differences between the nations major political tendencies, specifically Democratic-Progressive and Republican-Conservatism and the parasitic pursuit of speculative power within the opportunity of government as medium.

But it goes a bit deeper than squabbles of political and historical revisions.  The seeming philosophical differences speaks more of a type of naivete and illiteracy which in itself is a result and function of the nations industrial transformation while neglecting to transform the interacting Political-Economic nexus of Value Speculation and it's production.  To understand the nations political activity look no further than the Walmart Supremacy and the demise of the nations Labor Unions.

By Apropos 


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