Monday, September 8, 2008

The Civil War Narrative, Base Politics and John McCain Pimping Paris Hilton

Why hasn't the Daughters of the Confederacy and all those groups, historical societies and intelligentsia who are the gate keepers of the Civil War narrative come out in opposition to the applied blasphemy and derision of this political season, Presidential politics and it's mockery of the relative sacrifices exerted to realize a perfected union.

Reaction, Radical Politics, Base Politics and the Scranton, Pennsylvania gambit not surprisingly is the opportunity of the moment.

Observing Barack Obama, the Embody of the Black Experience walk the tight rope and it's restraint and demands of the better man taking the higher ground with the contrast of the presumptuous John McCain pimping Paris Hilton, Brittany Spears, Cindy McCain and Sarah Palin as means to the Presidency. Mocking the Hallowed earth of Gettysburg and the desperation of Harper's Ferry.

By Apropos


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