Thursday, June 5, 2008

The Titanic, A Conspiracy: Robert Ballard, The C.I.A. and Hollywood

Who would have thought that the narrative of the Titanic, one of the top grossing movies of all time included a conspiracy of the cloak and dagger type?

Conventional wisdom, meaning the convention of obfuscation is always engaged in denouncing thought patterns that tend to view historical narratives with a healthy skew of cynicism as being kooky conspiracy theorist. But what besides thought patterns that view coincidences as unnatural would have questioned the narrative of Robert Ballard's discovery of the Titanic as anything than on it's face value.

Yet it was. Robert Ballad was initially under the employ of the U.S. navy and C.I.A. to find a couple of lost nuclear Submarines in the Atlantic, the U.S.S. Scorpion and Thrasher. But it's revealed that after discovering the submarines, Robert Ballard used the search patterns to then find the Titanic and the ensuing Hollywood Block-Buster the result.

What other Hollywood fares viewed as incredulous results of screen-writers mind caught in some hallucinogenic loop are based on deeds with secret handshakes, winks, nods, and renditions.
By Apropos


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