Friday, June 13, 2008

The Freedmen and Native American Greed

The same greed and larceny which caused Native Americans to lose North America is once again rearing it's sardonic head among some of the Tribes in their dealings with the Freedmen.

Freedmen are those of African and Native American descent, a result of inter-marriage with runaway black slaves and in the case of the Cherokee Freedman, descendant of unions between Cherokee slave holders and their Black slaves.

The greed which in the beginning motivated individual Indians to receive cheap tomahawks, cheap trinkets, blankets and assorted baubles for entire swaths of North America at the expense of knowing that communal ownership of the land, disallowed unilateral transactions with White invader-settlers is again in evidence.

The Cherokee and Seminole tribes to name a couple have undertaken a systematic effort to deprive Freedmen of their Patrimony, which is just as methodical as the White invader-settlers efforts during early U.S. history land confistications.

Ever since native American tribes tasted the financial boon of running Casinos, there has been machinations upon gambits to deprive tribunal members of mixed ancestry their rightful share.

Greed and larceny played equally important roles in Native Americans losing a Continent to invading settlers. It is ironic that greed is once again revealing that certain tribes are just as unjust as those chain of events which led to the Trial of Tears, Wounded Knee, Tecumseh's Despair, Geronimo's Lament and all those other moments in Native American and U.S. history.

By Apropos


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