Friday, June 20, 2008

Removing, Operating, Returning a Fetus to the Womb and The Potential for Womb Irrelevancy

As if one isn't strange enough, imagine a hundred times a year. Surgeons in the U.S. removing a fetus from the womb operating on it, then returning it to the womb to continue to term.

The McCartney's, a Houston, Texas couple and the birth of their baby Macee Hope on May 7, 2008; are now the latest face of this phenomenal Pediatric procedure.

At six months to term of Teri McCarney's pregnancy, a tumor was discovered which allowed to continue would have been terminal to the fetus. So her doctors decided upon the magical technique of removing the fetus from the womb, removing the tumor and returning the fetus to go to term. Macee Hope a girl was born ten weeks later.

This technique raises the potential for womb irrelevancy as the sole arbiter for the development of the human fetus.

By Apropos


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