The CBS early show for 2/29/08; had a story on transplant surgery for pets. The story was about a woman, her cat and the $10,000 Kidney transplant it had.
I want to focus on the Ethics and Morality of the process for pet organ donations.
If a human being , in this case Michael Vick, the former Atlanta Falcon Quarterback currently imprisoned, can lose his liberty, his livelihood and standing in society because he indulged in fighting dogs who are bred, a breed intended to do exactly that---then if misanthropomorphic people with smug looks across their faces pursue organ transplants for pets, and if the pet shelter which provides the donor pet justifies it's participation with, a pet owner seeking a donor must agree to adopt the donor animal, after the transplant.
What I want to know is, if society is so Pet conscious, so animal loving to the point the Animal Rights Group PETA can display placards seeking the castration of a human being, then who or what communicated the seriousness of the issue of consent to the donor animal, and who is the next of kin in case of transplant complications?
By Apropos
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