Sunday, March 9, 2008

Bush sneaks in, Ahmadinejad gets the Red Carpet

This whole proposition that Al Qaeda in Iraq warrants U.S. presence in Iraq is seriously disingenuous.

The main beneficiary of all the trillions being pumped into Iraq by the U.S. is Iran, because when the last time George Bush got the Red Carpet treatment in Iraq? So why did Ahmadinejad go to Iraq on the weekend of 3/1/08; and get it? George W. Bush the embodiment of all upstaged and out maneuvered has to sneak into Iraq yet Iranian Ahmadinejad swoops in broad daylight, gets the Red Carpet treatment plausibly funded by some of the U.S. trillions and a Honor detail probably American trained.

The central proposition of John McCain's Iraq thought is if the U.S. pulls out, Al Qaeda will trumpet it defeated the U.S. (As if just the fact the world's Super-Power taking on Al Qaeda on Al Qadian terms doesn't already imply that.) So how does McCain address this spectacle of Iran with it's deeds telling the world that it out sourced it's Iraq question to the U.S. and the U.S. with it's Johnny Come Lately presumptions obliged in the most comical way.

American lives and treasure is being lost and spent in pursuit of and in the employ of Iranian Foreign policy and Iranian theocracy. Now if that isn't the mother of all hood winks?

By Apropos


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