Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The economies of Ohio and Texas are models?

Jeff Cornwall of The Entrepreneurial Mind at forum.belmont.edu/cornwall birdied an excerpt from the Wall Street Journal, supposedly comparing the economies of Ohio and Texas. In the aside I find this remark telling:

"It is a stark comparison of a state that is stuck in big government policies of the 1900's (Ohio) and one that has changed to reflect the Global Entrepreneurial Economic Realities of today (Texas)."

What does "Big Government" contrasting "entrepreneurial Economic Realities of today" mean?

I find once again economist and economics viewed through the conservative skew as not just political rejoinders but for all practical purposes, distortions. Its as if there is money in circulation stamped Entrepreneurial Reality (Conservative) and Big Government (Liberal). The truth of the matter is within the fact of each economical potential, there is the dynamism of value.

The critique "Big Government" has always been disingenuous and intellectual fraud. Its been consistently exposed as the sham it is and it's critics, two faced opportunist who ham fist pork barrels with projects bearing their names while railing against the mechanism, government, which made it all possible.

This sophistry of "Entrepreneurial Economic Reality" speaks more to the casualty and it's effects on an issue xenophobes rant about on Lou Dobbs. If we are to accept "Entrepreneurial Economic Reality" as pseudonym for small business and it's activity, then the economic surges of Texas and the southern border states specifically in the small business realm has more to do with, Mexico, Latin America and the exportation of its citizens in light of it's maldeveloped national economy to the developed U.S. contrary to xenophobic ravings immigration regardless of means always energizes economies.

By Apropos


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