Friday, March 28, 2008

Charles Krauthammer is irrelevant, always has been

Charles Krauthammer is at it again. In another irrelevant Op-Ed he questions why Barack Obama remains a member of the Trinity Church.

Krauthammer and Co. with their rants about the Wright rants are a gaggle of geese pecking . If Jeremiah Wright and his "God Damn America" from pulpit is beyond the pale and Obama should excommunicate himself to satisfy the logic of brains clearly terrified by what injustice has wrought. Then why hasn't Charles Krauthammer renounced his citizenship and emigrated, on the grounds that the U.S. Government is so saturated with specific injustice and crimes against humanity that the only practical indictment is a historical one?

Furthermore has Krauthammer called for Catholics to renounce Catholicism considering the Catholic Church has been a haven for pederast?

Has history denounced and taken the position that Thomas Jefferson was the worst form of intellect, that of inconsistency? Because for all practical purposed his pronouncements on Providence and mans Liberty was at the expense of all those Black Men, Women and Children he held in slavery.

Should members of Congress resign because Racist and the most backwards of reactionaries have walked it's halls and advocated their cause in it's space?

Should the U.S. Supreme Court Justices disrobe because in it's history the very interesting jurisprudence that Black people were sub-human?

By Apropos


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