Sunday, October 17, 2010

CNN's Dana Bash, The West Virginia U.S. Senatorial race of 2010 and Being a Shill for Big Business

CNN's Dana Bash recent piece of the West Virgina U.S. Senatorial Race of 2010; between Gov. Joe Manchin (D) and John Raese (R) is classic Dana Bash, being a shill for Republican-Conservatism/Tea partyism and presenting it's narrative as fact.  The entire piece was intended to be Journalism, but what Dana Bash once again figured out how to do is present narrative partial to the big business, value speculation, value subjective of political-speculative power pursued and practiced by Republican-Conservatism-Tea Partyism.

The West Virginia U.S. Senatorial Race of 2010; is a heated contest between the popular favorite Governor Joe Manchin and a serial challenger John Raese.  The Republican-Conservatism-/Tea Partyism narrative which Dana Bash as expected highlighted is the Democratic Gov. Joe Manchin is fighting for his life.  The reality however if the serial challenger John Raese is the one struggling to exploit the political climate against Joe Manchin and this is the journalistic imperative Dana Bash should have presented but what else should we expect from a shill for big business.

By Apropos

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